
What the Illegal, ‘Rogue’ GM Corn in China Says About GMO Regulation

Beijing has spent billions developing GMO crops in the hopes of securing food for its burgeoning population, but there has not yet been approval for the commercial cultivation of these crops, partly due to a deep-seated distrust of genetically modified crops by the Chinese public. Nonetheless, GM corn is already growing in China illegally, causing further distrust in the government’s ability to regulate GM crops.

Are Genetically Modified Pigs up Next for Approval by the FDA?

The US Food and Drug Administration approved the nation’s first genetically modified animal in 2015 – GMO salmon – and scientists can’t wait to add more to the batch. Head of development biology at the University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute, Professor Bruce Whitelaw has produced swine fever-resistant pigs through a new gene-editing technique. Yeah, he wants to see them also approved by the FDA. [1]
Whitelaw says that much more work is required to refine what he calls a ‘precise’ process.

How Scotland’s “Organic Ambitions” Plan Will Shift the Future of Food and Farming

Next week, “Organic Ambitions: An Action Plan for organic food and farming in Scotland 2016-2020” will be unveiled in Scotland. The plan for organic food production is designed to help build a more sustainable farming future and stimulate the rural economy.
The January 27 launch will coincide with the first day of the Organic Research Center’s annual conference, being held in Bristol.

Monsanto’s Greed Continues to Threaten 59 Indigenous Corn Varieties in Mexico

As recently as October of 2015, Monsanto stated that it planned to double its sales in Mexico. The biotech giant already made around $400 million in the country in 2015. This greed to conquer the Mexican maize market has caused the company to fight resistance and GMO corn bans initiated by citizens and government, though the company continues to put 59 unique, indigenous varieties of corn at risk. [1]

Send a Message to Obama: Ban ‘Likely-Carcinogenic’ Glyphosate-Herbicides!

During President Obama’s most recent State of The Union Address, he vowed to utilize the full spectrum of the U.S. government’s resources to create a “Moonshot-like” effort geared toward finding a cure for cancer. Why then, is Round Up, a ‘likely carcinogen,’ still being sold on markets across the United States and sprayed on our food?

FDA Claims New GM Potatoes are Safe: But Would You Eat it?

The Food and Drug Administration has recently given a green light to a genetically modified potato engineered to resist a pathogen that is responsible for causing the Irish Potato Famine. No different than with their approval of GM salmon, the FDA seems oblivious to risk assessment and consumer concerns that deem a GM potato undesirable, claiming that the GE potato is indeed safe for consumption.

State in India Goes 100% Organic, Protects 75,000 Hectares of Land from GMOs

As of the end of December, 2015, Sikkim has become India’s first fully organic state in the country. Implementing organic farming practices on 75,000 hectares of land, the citizens of Sikkim will enjoy GMO-free, sustainable agriculture which will be certified organic.

“We have achieved fully-organic status in the end of December. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will formally announce this at a sustainable agriculture conference in Gangtok on January 18,” said Sikkim Organic Mission’s executive director Dr. Anbalagan.

Monsanto Works Hard to Evict Argentinian Protesters

Monsanto is trying to evict a bevy of protesters who have gathered in an agricultural province of Cordoba, Argentina. The protesters aim to stop a massive GMO seed plant which would spew vast clouds of toxic fumes and leave regular spills of the neonics, fungicides, and numerous other poisons that would be applied as seed coatings.
A Monsanto-friendly judge armed the monopolizing company with permission to evict the group, so now goons from Monsanto are trying to drive off the camp which is blockading further progress of the plant.