
The World Just Got Another Step Closer to Creating GMO Humans

Scientists in Britain have recently been given the green light to edit the genes of human embryos for research, leading to fears the practice could lead to “designer babies.”
Chinese scientists set off a firestorm of controversy a year ago when they announced they had begun genetically modifying human embryos. Now, British researcher Kathy Niakan, from London’s Francis Crick Institute has a received a license to carry out similar experiments.

Big Food Trickery? SmartLabels to Act as ‘Real’ GMO Labeling

Imagine strolling down your grocery store’s aisles, and you pick up a food that has been packaged with some deceptive labeling that says it is ‘all natural’ or ‘made with wholesome ingredients.’ You want to purchase only healthy, non-GMO food, along with countless others. But the labeling is unclear. This is exactly what the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA) wants consumers to feel – lost.

Crawling Around Crop Fields, Chinese Spy Caught Stealing Millions of $$ Worth of GM Seeds

China is vowing to crackdown on the illegal planting of GMO crops after it was revealed that a spy stole millions of dollars’ worth of proprietary corn seeds produced by DuPont Pioneer and Monsanto.
The Chinese-born U.S. citizen, Mo Hailong, has confessed to leading a group that swiped the seeds. Mo had been the director of Dabeinong Technology (DBN) Group, a Beijing-based agricultural tech firm, and is also the brother-in-law of the company’s founder.

Pakistani Government Advises Farmers to Feed Livestock GM Crop Waste

Feeding livestock waste from Bt cotton crops is an ill-advised way to eradicate the bollworm pest, but the Pakistan government has told farmers to do it anyway. This, despite warnings from organizations that Bt cotton could harm the animals.
Animals fed Bt cotton waste are in danger of aflatoxin fungus and Bt toxic acute poisoning. Both can build up in the animals’ systems.