
Even Legal Levels of Glyphosate Herbicide may Harm Freshwater Ecosystems

Glyphosate, a controversial ingredient found in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, is showing up in streams, rivers, and other aquatic systems around the world due to runoff. Unfortunately, this may be damaging a type of green macroalgae that is common in streams, a new Brazilian study published in the journal Phycologia shows. [1]

Unauthorized GMO Wheat Found in Washington State

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials said last week that an unapproved variety of wheat was found growing in a Washington state field, though there are no signs that it made its way into commercial grain shipments.
The Monsanto-produced wheat is a RoundUp-resistant variety that was never commercially released. USDA officials said it was discovered in a farmer’s planted field. Department officials are in the process of testing the farmer’s wheat harvest for the GMO variety, but so far none has been found.

Regulatory Loophole Allows GMO Products to be Marketed as Non-GMO

The government isn’t particularly interested in making sure Americans know what they’re eating. It seems like knowing what is in the food should be a basic right, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, last week Congress passed a federal requirement for labeling products containing genetically modified ingredients that signifies a big win for food companies.

Exposure to Certain Foods in Infancy May Prevent Future Allergies

For decades parents have been told to delay feeding their children certain foods they could be allergic to, including peanuts, eggs, wheat, and milk. But recent studies suggest exposing at-risk children to potential allergens as infants might actually prevent them from developing an allergy.
Source: Genetic Literacy Project

EU Parliament Members Test Urine for Glyphosate Ahead of Vote on the Herbicide Chemical

On Monday and Tuesday, 150 members of the European Parliament (MEP) donated urine samples to find out if they have glyphosate in their systems. The screening comes ahead of a symbolic vote in the European Union that is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, on whether to re-license the RoundUp chemical for another 15 years. [1]