
Biotech Bans Anti-GMO Group from SXSW Food Supply Panel

It continues to be clear that the awakened public will not so easily be brought down by the GMO industries. However, at South by Southwest (SXSW), it appears that money from GMO corporations talks as true debate is controlled and censored. Katherine Paul, Associate Director of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), an organization dedicated to protecting organic standards, has officially been censored from SXSW.

Hundreds of Farmers Occupy GMO Tree Approval, Force Cancellation

No Transgenic Eucalyptus (GMO trees) for Brazil, thanks to 300 farmers who took over the building and interrupted the meeting where GMO regulator – Brazil National Biosafety Technical Commission (CTNBio) – was to decide about whether or not to plant biotech’s latest atrocity. These efforts along with over 1000 other activists have halted GMO trees in Brazil – at least for now.
In addition to the sit-in of the 300 farmers, 1000 women across Brazil took over operations of FuturaGene.

Louisiana Is About to Let Monsanto’s GMO Corn Take Over

The Gulf of Mexico is largely already an oxygen-deprived dead-zone due to chemical fertilizer run off from Big Ag practices that have taken hold of the corn belt in the US. Now, Louisiana lawmakers are about to make it much worse by paving the way for genetically modified corn that is made to withstand copious amounts of toxic pesticide chemicals.

Ghana Temporarily Bans GMO Commercialization

Yet another country has put banning GMO’s on their agenda.
Though the case will still be reviewed by high courts in Ghana, Judge Kwadwo Yeboah ruled for a temporary halt on any further commercialization and development of GMOs until the case submitted by plaintiffs Food Sovereignty Ghana (FSG) against the Ministry of Food & Agriculture and the National Biosafety Committee is concluded.