
Senate Passes TPP ‘Fast-Tracking’ That Could Make GMO Labeling Illegal

It is a sad day in the fight against Monsanto, GMO labeling, and the future of the planet. The Senate has adopted a law that would give ‘fast-track’ ability for the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — a highly secretive bill that could restrict GMO labeling in the United States and abroad. In fact, some legal experts believe it could make GMO labeling completely illegal.

Video: This is How Monsanto’s GMOs Could Be Banned

Will GMOs ever be banned? And if so, how will it happen? These are the questions that I am asked by thousands of concerned eaters on a routine basis. They are great questions, and ones that require a bit of explanation to truly ‘answer.’ As part of a new Q&A video series, I delve into the question and detail the factors that are required for Monsanto’s GMOs to hit the ‘ban’ list in the United States.

Pope Francis Denounces GMOs and Pesticides

In a major environmental paper draft leaked a few days ago, Pope Francis brings attention to genetically modified organisms and the pesticides used to grow them, calling them both environmentally and socially ‘significant’ problems.
While he doesn’t call for an outright ban, and even states that they may have been helpful economically in some parts of the world, he also says that farm workers have been marginalized by the production of GM crops.
He states:

Feds Still have No Idea How Illegal GM Wheat Got Into this Montana Field

It’s been nearly a year since illegal, unexpected GM wheat was found growing at a Montana State University test lab field, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service told The Gazette they still have no idea how the genetically modified grain turned up at the Southern Agricultural Research Center.

Monsanto and Media Are Trying to ‘Re-Brand’ GMOs

In the same way Big Food makers tried to rename sugar in their products so that consumers wouldn’t know that their favorite brands contained almost 75 percent empty calories, the mainstream media is trying to re-brand GMOs so that the public thinks the food creations are completely safe.
That’s right. Just like Hilary Clinton advised biotech at a recent symposium, she thinks if customers just ‘thought of GMOs differently’ we would like them more.