
Experimental GMO Wheat Crop Fails to Deter Pests

Biotech’s claims that genetically modified crops are more resistant to bugs seem to be dismissed like yesterday’s pastries, especially when their crops so obviously fail to deliver on the promise. So why are farmers still planting GM seed?
In a recent biotech debacle, a UK-based biotech company wasted over $5 million on an experimental GM wheat trial.

Humanity’s Big Fight: The Corporate Ownership of Food and Water

Privatization and corporate ownership of our food and water is what is at stake. The greed that has allowed companies to create patents on food and to siphon off water and sell it back to the world is as disturbing as ever. Following are ways which a cabal is trying to control 2 of our most basic needs – food and water.

Class Action Suit Against Chipotle Says its GM-Free Claims are False

Chipotle’s campaign launched in April of this year was a breath of fresh air for many busy people who were looking for non-GM fast food that was both fresh, organic, non-GMO, and often locally-sourced. The company called it ‘food with integrity – G-M-Over it,’ but it seems some consumers aren’t convinced that the chain’s non-GMO intentions were brought to fruition.

Update: 5 Scientific Experts Join Lawsuit to Bring Down Monsanto

In my ongoing exposure of Monsanto’s illegal and immoral tactics, I was excited to announce that a class action lawsuit against the company for false advertising was taken on by none other than T. Matthew Phillips. We reported on this lawsuit at Natural Society, when minimal mainstream media outlets would touch the subject.

Monsanto Kicked Out of Greece and Latvia: GM Bans Sweep Through Europe

First Scotland and Germany booted GMOs from their countries, citing fear of GMO crops contaminating their food supplies and concern over putting their food and beverage industries in jeopardy. Now, Greece and Latvia are telling Monsanto exactly what they can do with their genetically modified crops. The tide is turning. A tipping point just became evident through the actions of two additional European countries who have had enough of the Biotech strong arm.

Non-GMO Wheat Yield Surpasses 5-Year-Old World Record

Monsanto likes to feed the world – with lies, that is, not food. The commonly-propagated myth that genetically modified foods are needed to feed the masses was just shattered with an incredible non-GMO wheat yield that outdid the current world record just by a hair.
Lincolnshire grower Tim Lamyman has broken the British wheat yield record by harvesting one of the highest wheat yields ever – and he did it without using GMOs.

Yes – Animals Suffer from Genetically Modified Foods, Says Primatologist Jane Goodall

British anthropologist Jane Goddall spent decades observing the behavior of primates in their natural habits. Now she is confronting the National Press with her insights into genetically modified food and its effects on animals as well as human beings.
The Primatologist warned consumers at a National Press Club news conference to take heed when animals respond poorly to GMO diets. She also urged governments to impose stronger safeguards on genetically modified organisms.