
PhD Says Monsanto Has Been Lying About Safety of Cry Proteins in GM Bt Crops

In a recent interview on Food Sleuth Radio, Dr. Hansen exposes Monsanto’s latest contrivance – that Bt toxic corn is ‘safe’ to eat. Dr. Hansen provides ‘clean’ science through Consumer Reports that has no private backing, and certainly none by the GM industry.
Hansen states that biotechnology allows you to move genetic traits from any possible source – viruses, bacteria, animals, humans, etc. and put them into plants. This is what allowed scientists to make Bt corn and other Bt crops, and then patent them.

Court in France Confirms Farmer Was Poisoned by Monsanto Herbicide

An important precedence has been set by a recent ruling in French Court. Even after an appeals court heard a case which attested that a farmer was poisoned by accidentally inhaling the fumes of an herbicide, they still sided in favor of the farmer. Considering that the herbicide, though not its best seller, was made by Monsanto – this news is even more important.

Russian Govt Completely Bans GMOs in Food Production

Russia has just announced a game-changing move in the fight against Monsanto’s GMOs, completely banning the use of genetically modified ingredients in any and all food production.
In other words, Russia just blazed way past the issue of GMO labeling and shut down the use of any and all GMOs that would have otherwise entered the food supply through the creation of packaged foods (and the cultivation of GMO crops).

8 States Support Vermont in Fight Against Monsanto and GMOs

The state of Vermont decided that it would listen to the people and require foods containing genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) to be labeled. But with the help of the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA), Monsanto and other biotech interests launched a lawsuit against the bill that was passed. Thankfully, Vermont stood strong and is fighting back.

Activists in Kenya Protest Against GMO Food Introduction

Nairobi activists held banners shunning the introduction of GM food into their country along Kenyatta Avenue this week to send a message to Deputy President William Russo. In Kenya, the president has lifted a ban to allow genetically modified foods to be grown in the nation “to increase food security,” and citizens aren’t happy.

Microbial Biologist Says Biotech is Like a Religion, and is Failing

No one bats 1000, but according to Ignacio Chapela, a microbiologist from UC Berkeley in California, the biotech industry has utterly failed. He says they’ve only come up with 2 genetically modified traits in 40 years despite fouling our air, water, and soil, while genetically engineering our food to withstand copious amounts of toxic chemicals.