
Deputy Prime Minister of Russia: GMOs Aren’t Needed to Feed World

It becomes exceedingly clear that there is a war of information going on when you compare the headlines about genetically modified foods (GMOs) in Russia and Europe and compare them to what is being whitewashed in the US Press. EU country after EU country has been banning GMOs, and Russia has banned GMOs. The prime minister of Russia says that we don’t need GMOs to feed the world.

Wales Announces Complete Ban on GMOs with 15 other EU Countries

The Welsh Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans, has announced that the country will take advantage of new EU rules allowing countries to opt out of growing EU-authorized GM crops. Yep – Wales is moving forward with a complete ban on biotech’s seed! [1]
Evans says that the nation plans to ban GM corn as well as 7 other GM crops authorized by the EU. She states:

GM Foods are Inherently Unsafe, Warns American Academy of Environmental Medicine

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) doesn’t buy Monsanto’s claim that GM foods are ‘safe.’ In fact, the agency states, “several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food.” So why are we still being force-fed unlabeled GM foods by big multinational food companies?

Monsanto ‘Deliberately Covered Up Data’ Proving Glyphosate is Cancerous for 4 Decades

What will it take to shut down Monsanto’s doors irrevocably? Likely it will be the same type of lawsuit that finally pulled the shades on the tobacco industry. If Big Tobacco eventually had to pay a $206 billion settlement over 25 years for lying about the health impacts of cigarettes, what do you think Monsanto will have to pay for lying about glyphosate’s carcinogenic nature for almost 40 years?