
Lobbyists at it Again: GMO Labeling Fight Likely to Resume in New Year

Agricultural leaders aren’t giving up on the fight to halt foods from being labeled if they contain genetically modified ingredients. Even though the bill that would have ruined GMO labeling initiatives across the country was stopped dead in its tracks in Congress, leaders say the issue of GMO labeling will be ‘top priority’ when they get back to work in January.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Meets with Monsanto to Discuss Agricultural ‘Advances’ for 2016

The United States Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, recently met with high-ups at Monsanto and other companies to discuss agricultural ‘advances’ for 2016. But was this really a ‘forum,’ or a way for Vilsack to promote Monsanto? And why were Monsanto insiders ever appointed to protect the safety of our food?
Vilsack’s meeting sounds more like a master conflicts of interest group get-together for the biotech and industrial agricultural model, especially when you consider who was leading the discussion:

Venezuela Rejects the Production, Distribution, and Importation of GM Seeds

The country of Venezuela, through its National Assembly, has approved a law that will ban GMOs and prohibit seed-patenting.
Its aim is to promote sustainable agriculture and real food security. Grassroots efforts for years has finally culminated in the passing of a law that prohibits Monsanto, Bayer, Dow, Syngenta, and others from controlling the seed supply and poisoning the people.

Breaking News! Monsanto’s DARK ACT Stopped Dead in its Tracks in Congress

HR Bill 1599, also known as the DARK ACT (Monsanto’s favorite bill that would effectively ruin the food supply and halt GMO labeling initiatives) has been stopped cold in Congress. After thousands of letters and activists railing against this dangerous legislation, no anti-GMO labeling provisions were allowed in the must-pass Omnibus spending bill.

Taiwan Bans GMOs in School Meals Due to Health Risks

The government in Taiwan recently passed legislation that would effectively prohibit any food containing genetically modified ingredients from being served to children in school meals. [1]
The decision was made primarily due to potential health and environmental hazards revolving around genetically modified foods, as stated by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin Shu-fen, one of the amendments’ sponsors.

Will Sugar Soon be Genetically Modified to ‘Help Fight Skin Cancer?’

L-fucose, a rare sugar found in seaweed, mushrooms, seeds, and other foods, may help treat skin cancer, experts have revealed.
The sugar was linked to certain cancers and inflammation in previous studies, but a new study suggests that by tinkering with L-fucose metabolism, the substance could stave off the spread of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer.

Big News! Hawaii’s Big Island Moves Closer to Being GMO-Free!

Hot off the presses – Mayor Kenoi on the Big Island, in Hawaii, recently signed Bill 113 into law, prohibiting GMOs. The bill prohibits biotech companies from operating on the island, and stops farmers from growing new GM crops. This is a historical moment for Hawaii, a place which has been called ‘ground zero for GMOs.’