Gaza strip

“Concentrate” and “exterminate”: Israel parliament deputy speaker’s Gaza genocide plan

Citizens and public authorities around the world should attempt to have Feiglin arrested and prosecuted under the Genocide Convention for his statements, should he set foot in their territories. 

by Ali Abunimah               The Electronic Intifada

Genocide permissible in Gaza: Times of Israel

 “If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?”

(PRESS TV) -An Israeli paper has removed an article from its website, which urged “genocide” in the besieged Gaza Strip, a report says.


Image above: The ruins of the Palestinian village of Najed in the western Negev of Israel.  The  Palestinian villagers of Najd were expelled  and  herded to the Gaza Strip by soldiers from the Jewish Negev Brigade on 12–13 May, 1948 .  The Israeli city of Sderot was founded in 1951 on village land, a few miles to the south of the village site, while Or HaNer was founded in 1957 also on village land, to the northeast.


Palestinian Resistance: an icon for those who long to live free

Palestinians have done it all. We choose resistance, always, in all its forms. We resist because it is our right. Because we are the indigenous people of the land and we have nowhere else to go or belong. Because our parents, grandparents, great grandparents and on and on are buried in this soil. Because we are right and our cause is just.  We resist passively and actively. We resist violently and non-violently.

Members of UAE ‘aid convoy’ revealed as intelligence agents .

Image above: ‘Dahlan called one of his followers from Fatah who spoke with Hamas officials and they agreed to let the convoy leave immediately,’
MEMO   - Forty members of the UAE “aid convoy” which entered the Gaza Strip last week have been revealed as intelligence agents. They were, it is believed, trying to collect information about Hamas and its infrastructure in the besieged territory.