Gaza strip

While Gaza war rages, Israel quietly speeds up settlement construction in the West Bank and Jerusalem

Suhail Khalilieh a researcher at the Applied Research Institute in Jerusalem noted that the Israeli government is adopting the policy of “silent settlement expansion” likely because it fears an increase in popular anger in the West Bank and a rise in international pressures on Israel


Palestine, Israel and CNN

CNN continues to foster the fantasy that the very existence of a poor, vulnerable little Israel is in grave danger from big, bad Palestine. It makes no mention of the fact that Israel has the most modern weaponry on the planet, provided by the United States, or that Israel receives $3 billion a year in aid from the U.S., while Palestine receives nothing. It also doesn’t mention that many of the weapons used against Palestinians citizens are in violation of international law.

Half-truths, Omissions and Distortions

White House in the Dark Over Arms Supplies to Israel: Report

White House and State Department officials had already become increasingly disturbed by what they saw as heavy-handed battlefield tactics that they believed risked a humanitarian catastrophe capable of harming regional stability and Israel’s interests.

They were especially concerned that Israel was using artillery, instead of more precision-guided munitions, in densely populated areas. The realization that munitions transfers had been made without their knowledge came as a shock.


Gaza: Whole Villages Have Been Wiped Off the Map


The smell and the sights we saw were shocking. The moment we parked and I got out, a very strange smell hit us—the smell of dead bodies. That smell will never leave me; it is still stuck in my nose. We saw totally flattened houses and other houses partially destroyed.  It reminded me of pictures from war-torn areas where years of fighting erased a village


Dr. Mads Gilbert: Solidarity with Gaza! If no siege, no tunnels! – If no occupation, no rockets!


Dr. Mads Gilbert: I know you applaud for Gaza. I know you applaud for those who are there, the heroes of Gaza. This will be no easy appeal to make, because I am now overcome by the mildness, the warmth, the safety, the absence of bombs, jets, blood and death. And then all that we’ve had to keep inside comes to the surface – so forgive me if sometimes I break.


Irish Senator David Norris: Israel bombs first and weeps later [VIDEO]

Senator David Norris said that entire families had been “obliterated” and called for immediate lifting of the embargo on Gaza. And, calling for Ambassador Modai to be expelled, observed: “He has his fingers in his ears all the time, and he just repeats slogans from Jerusalem.”