
Anchorman 2 Review & The Politics of Will Ferrell: Red Ice Insight

Published on Jul 16, 2014 Red Ice Creations: Henrik and Lana analyze the propaganda found within the movie Anchorman 2. They’ll also examine the actor Will Ferrell, his double standards, and his Funny or Die posse that includes producer Judd Apatow and writer/producer Adam McKay. What is the purpose behind the progressive’s politically correct agenda pushed in Hollywood entertainment? What […] Newsletter | May 5, 2013


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This week’s top news:
Hagel: US Considering Arming Syria Rebels: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel became the first US official to admit that the administration is "rethinking" its previous decision not to arm Syria’s rebels directly, though he insisted that no decision had been made and this was just one option being considered.

Howard Kurtz’s Belated Comeuppance

By Robert Parry | Consortium News | May 3, 2013

For nearly a quarter century, Howard Kurtz has served as hall monitor for Washington’s conventional wisdom, handing out demerits to independent-minded journalists who don’t abide by the mainstream rules. So, there is some understandable pleasure seeing Kurtz face some accountability in his ouster as bureau chief for Newsweek and The Daily Beast.

Pope Francis Favored “Gay” Unions in Argentina

MICHAEL HOFFMAN: Note the favorable NY Times portrayal of the new, alleged "Vicar of Christ on earth" as a "deal maker" who works for the "lesser of two evils." When did Jesus Christ cut a deal and work for evil that was "lesser"? This is not the Gospel -- this is the situation ethics of the devil, which the pontiffs have been contaminated with ever since 1515 ,when Medici Pope Leo X issued a Bull permitting low interest loans to the poor, supposedly* so they wouldn't be victimized by the high interest loans of Judaic lenders.