Gary Johnson 2016

‘Libertarian’ VP Candidate Will Focus His Energy on Trashing Trump

Unlike during the 2012 election, when I supported Gary Johnson’s Presidential bid, I have not backed him at all during his 2016 run. There are several reasons for my lack of enthusiasm, but the driving concern has been his apparent support for the sovereignty-destroying, corporatist coup masquerading as a free trade deal, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Until recently, I assumed he must have a thought out reason for supporting the calamitous pact, but following his recent foreign policy gaffes, I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s probably just clueless.

Chart of the Day – May Registrations for the Libertarian Party Jump 20-Fold

People are going to be pissed off no matter who wins this election and that is a very important social dynamic I believe is vastly under appreciated by the majority of mainstream pundits and analysts out there.  This is also very distinct from the environment that prevailed in 2008.  Four years ago, the financial markets were crashing and the economic future of America was circling the toilet bowl, yet a majority of Americans embraced the potential of a young, inexperienced biracial politician from Illinois who was saying all of the right things.  Despite the gigantic disappoint