
Our Future Depends On Understanding Dr Elaine Ingham

A leaf 100 feet (30.5 meters) up in a tree needs Calcium. It sends that message down the tree to its roots where it is delivered to the biological life teeming in the soil which in turn fills the leaf’s need in exchange for sugars the leaves made during photosynthesis. The leaf receives its Calcium 90 seconds after its initial request. And the soil receives its Carbon from the earth and sun above.
Did anyone ever teach you that in high school?

The ‘gangsta gardener’ who believes masculinity is about being a conscious citizen of the planet

Los Angeles-based ‘gangsta gardener’ and community leader Ron Finley is determined to redefine ‘gangsta’ as being about building thriving communities, not machismo
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These Fun and Simple Activities can Delay Death, Study Shows

Exercise can undoubtedly help you live better, but what about longer? Are there certain activities that are better than others? Yes, and yes. A study published in the BMJ suggests that exercise can reduce your risk of death from cardiovascular-related issues (think heart disease or stroke), and there are certain activities that may be more beneficial than others. [1]

Improve Your Health by Doing This for 30 Minutes

I always say – and I’ve written it many times – that gardening is a great antidepressant. As beautiful as nature is to look at, there is something deeply healing about engaging with it.
But if you’re not into getting dirt under your fingernails or dealing with spiders, you can still reap the benefits Mother Nature has to offer. There are so many studies that point to this, I hardly know where to begin.