
Casque de gamer : guide d’achat et comparatif

Le gaming (jeux vidéo) se développe de plus en plus et attire un public toujours plus grand, menant même au développement d’une scène professionnelle sur laquelle évoluent joueurs professionnels et sponsors. En bref : le gaming est une véritable discipline, et en tant que telle, elle vient avec ses équipements spécifiques, à l’instar du casque de gamer.

Clavier gamer : Guide d’achat

Le gaming a gagné de plus en plus en importance au fil des dernières années. Avec le développement de communautés massives du jeu vidéo et l’apparition concomitante de véritables professionnels du jeu vidéo (ainsi de l’eSport), ce domaine est aujourd’hui en pleine expansion. Tout est ainsi fait pour permettre de profiter au maximum de ces moments de gaming, à l’instar du fameux clavier gamer. Performant, durable et confortable, il a des arguments solides face à un clavier solide.

Cyberpunk 2077, Mario 64, Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, Deus Ex & Esoteric Games – Jay Dyer

Many have requested an esoteric analysis of several games, so here we go. I will look at a few examples I’m familiar with and consider the WHOA appearance of Keanu for Cyberpunk 2077 at E3. Many have requested an esoteric analysis of several games, so here we go. I will look at a few examples I’m familiar with and consider the WHOA appearance of Keanu for Cyberpunk 2077 at E3. I cover Cyberpunk 2077, Mario 64, Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, Deus Ex & more! Enjoy


Shadow of the Tomb Raider Analysis – Theology Chat & Esoteric Elements – Jay Dyer

Watch Jay Dyer plays Tomb Raider and Yucks it UP! from jaydyer007 on
Many people have requested analyses of games over the years, but for a long time I didn’t see the proper venue for doing that, as videos take a long time to produce.  Now that streaming is popular, the process is much easier.  Since we are in a time of censorship, I also want to branch out to have more options to live stream and Twitch works very well.

“Gaming Disorder” Considered a Mental Health Condition by WHO

People are spending less time outdoors and more time in front of gaming consoles these days. Most of these individuals can play video games without becoming obsessed with them, but others can’t be pried away from them. Well, in case you missed it, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified “gaming disorder” as a mental health disorder, officially adding it to the 11th edition of its International Classification of Diseases (ICD) on June 18, 2018. Wait, what? [1]

A Tale of Two (Sim) Cities

It's an international issue that politicians don't listen to the people. But one of the first things a statist will say in response is that "the same thing happens in business. Many big companies don't listen to their customers, either." They're right. But the difference comes in what happens next: businesses pay for their arrogance with their own money, while politicians do not. One of the clearest examples of this phenomenon is the true story of two (sim) cities within urban planning video games.

Playing Video Games Can Now Earn You a Scholarship at a College — and More Are Coming

(ANTIMEDIA) Utah — Who said playing video games was a waste of time? In the coming years, the best gamers could be getting scholarships to major universities.
Bloomberg reported Wednesday that the University of Utah will become the first big money sports college in the country to offer scholarships in competitive video gaming.