
Mom Says Hot Cheetos, Spicy Snacks Harmed her Daughter’s Gallbladder

The mom of a Memphis teen claims that her daughter’s love of Hot Cheetos, Hot Takis, and other spicy snacks led to the girl needing to have her gallbladder removed. [1]
According to Rene Craighead, her 17-year-old daughter, also named Rene, would take big bags of the spicy snacks to school with her. The teen said she ate about 4 big bags of the snacks a week.
Mom Rene said:

The Essential Gallbadder Flush and Liver Cleanse: Key to Optimal Health

Seasonal cleanses have been customary within indigenous societies for millennia. These herbal and food-based cleansing therapies were usually performed during the change of seasons. The transitions that occur during the Autumn and Spring months are quite conducive for release of ‘the old’ in order to make room for ‘the new.’ Leaves die in the Fall, new growth sprouts in the Spring.