
"...As We Sleepwalk Our Way Towards The Most Predictable Financial Crisis In The History Of Man"

There wasn't a policy of his I ever agreed with when Sanford was a congressman the first time, nor while he was governor, nor when he rejoined Congress. And I still don't. When he hits on a truth-- example: Trump is a shit head who is wrecking our country-- his analysis is never correct. Same goes for shit-for-brains professional centrist and NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman.

Some Fundraising Letters Are Really Repulsive-- Others Are Kind Of A Joy

Yesterday marked the end of the arbitrary FEC fundraising quarter and every candidate was in a frenzy to get everyone on their mailing lists to part with their money. Some tried to do it by suckering you into their own desperation. Others were more skillful. Elizabeth aWarren, for example, sent out an e-mail Sunday evening absolutely eviscerating Status Quo Joe, without even mentioning his name:

Your Taxes Are Due Before Midnight-- So... A Good Day For Democratic Candidates To Send Out Contribution E-Mails

Some people do it right-- and some don't. Three that came in early that demonstrate how to do it are by a progressive candidate in Georgia, Marqus Cole, a progressive Northern California candidate, Audrey Denney, and a new progressive action committee run by Randy Bryce. Let's start with Cole, who's running to flip a Republican seat in the suburbs northwest of Atlanta.

Will Social Media-- Like Twitter-- Allow Candidates To Escape From The Grip Of The Uber-Corrupt Establishment Consulting Class?

Alexandria Ocasio's twitter following keeps growing by leaps and bounds. Every time TrumpTV slams her, her following takes another jump, allowing her to get her message out to an ever-wider audience. Now it's 2.23 million, the most of anyone serving in the House.

Campaign E-Mails... Again

And the prize for worst e-mail campaign in the history of the known universe goes to...I've been getting bombarded with angry e-mails from Blue America members who say they are being "assaulted" and "abused" by Jon Ossoff's campaign in the GA-06 special election. Blue America endorsed Ossoff for several reasons-- including his policy positions-- and we stand by that endorsement.

Are You On Bernie's Mailing List? Do You Want To Be On Chuck Schumer's?

Blue America had never even seriously considered endorsing a presidential candidate. Until Bernie came along-- and we started a Draft Bernie campaign long before he announced he would run-- all the presidential candidates seemed too horrible to ask people to spend their hard-earned money supporting. So we never did. But Bernie is our kind of candidate-- for ordinary working families and against the self-serving Establishment.