Nicaragua’s foreign minister: We’re resisting a ‘pandemic of neo-colonialism’

The Grayzone’s Ben Norton sat down for an interview with Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister Denis Moncada to discuss the country’s decision to leave the OAS, attempts to build an international alliance against US unilateralism, and what an anti-imperialist foreign policy looks like. (Puede leer esta entrevista en español aquí.) Transcript BEN NORTON: This is Ben Norton with The Grayzone. I am in Nicaragua’s Foreign Ministry, and I just sat down for an interview with Foreign Minister Denis Moncada. We talked about […]

El canciller de Nicaragua explica la política anti-imperialista de los sandinistas

El periodista Benjamín Norton entrevistó al Canciller Denis Moncada de Nicaragua. Hablaron de su decisión de salirse de la OEA, el intento de construir una alianza internacional contra el unilateralismo de EEUU y como puede ser una política exterior anti-imperialista. (You can read this interview in English here.) TRANSCRIPCIÓN BENJAMIN NORTON: Soy Benjamín Norton de The Grayzone. Estoy en la Cancillería de Nicaragua, y acabo de hacer una entrevista con el Canciller Denis Moncada. Hablamos de la decisión histórica de […]

Nicaragua explains why it’s leaving OAS, responds to US attacks on its elections

Nicaraguan diplomat Michael Campbell Hooker tells The Grayzone’s Ben Norton why they are leaving the Organization of American States (OAS), which he says is a “failed,” “coup-plotting” organization dominated by Washington. Campbell also responds to US attempts to discredit Nicaragua’s November elections, and explains the importance of autonomy for Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities on the Caribbean Coast. Transcript BEN NORTON: This is Ben Norton with The Grayzone. I just sat down for an interview with Michael Campbell, a foreign policy […]

Que pasó en las elecciones en Nicaragua? Un informe desde adentro

EEUU, la UE y la OEA están lanzando un nuevo intento de golpe de estado contra el gobierno sandinista de Nicaragua, rechazando sus elecciones de 2021. Benjamín Norton de The Grayzone observó la votación y habló con votantes. (You can watch or read this report in English here.) Transcripción BENJAMÍN NORTON: Millones de nicaragüenses fueron a las urnas el 7 de noviembre de 2021, re-eligiendo por un amplio margen al Frente Sandinista y a su Presidente Daniel Ortega. Sin embargo, […]

Inside Nicaragua’s 2021 elections – and the latest US/OAS coup attempt

The US, EU, and OAS are launching a new coup attempt against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, refusing to recognize its 2021 elections. The Grayzone’s Ben Norton observed the vote on the ground, and filed this report. Transcript BEN NORTON: Millions of Nicaraguans went to the polls on November 7, 2021, re-electing the leftist Sandinista Front and President Daniel Ortega by a large margin. The United States refused to recognize the results, however. Washington and its allies in the European Union and […]

Desmintiendo mitos sobre las elecciones en Nicaragua, atacadas por EEUU, la UE y la OEA

EEUU, la UE y la OEA están lanzando un nuevo intento de golpe de estado contra el gobierno sandinista de Nicaragua, negándose a reconocer sus elecciones de 2021. The Grayzone observó la votación y desmiente los mitos mediáticos que buscan desacreditar el proceso. (You can read this article in English here.) MANAGUA, NICARAGUA – Millones de nicaragüenses fueron a las urnas el 7 de noviembre de 2021, re-eligiendo por un amplio margen al Frente Sandinista y su Presidente Daniel Ortega. […]

From Nicaraguan revolutionaries to US embassy informants: How Washington recruited ex-Sandinistas like Dora María Téllez and her MRS party

The story of how Nicaragua’s former guerrilla Dora María Téllez and her anti-Sandinista MRS party allied with the right wing and became coup-supporting informants for the US embassy. (Lire cet article en français ici.) One of the most high-profile opponents of Nicaragua’s Sandinista government points to her revolutionary youth to justify her position. And while the international media constantly sings her praise, what it does not mention is that she abandoned revolutionary politics long ago, and has become a key […]

Facebook acusó falsamente a estos nicaragüenses de ser troles y los censuró antes de las elecciones

Facebook, Instagram y Twitter suspendieron a cientos de periodistas y activistas pro sandinistas días antes de las elecciones del 7 de noviembre en Nicaragua, alegando falsamente que eran troles del gobierno. The Grayzone los entrevistó para revelar la verdad. (You can read this article in English here.) MANAGUA, NICARAGUA – Pocos días antes de las elecciones del 7 de noviembre en Nicaragua, las plataformas de redes sociales censuraron a influyentes medios de comunicación nicaragüenses y a cientos de periodistas y […]

Meet the Nicaraguans Facebook falsely branded bots and censored days before elections

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter suspended hundreds of influential pro-Sandinista journalists and activists days before Nicaragua’s November 7 elections, falsely claiming they were government trolls. The Grayzone interviewed them to reveal the truth. (Puede leer este informe en español aquí.) MANAGUA, NICARAGUA – Just days before Nicaragua’s November 7 elections, top social media platforms censored top Nicaraguan news outlets and hundreds of journalists and activists who support their country’s leftist Sandinista government.

Nicaragua’s Sandinistas battle ‘diabolical’ US empire and poverty on 42nd anniversary of revolution

The Grayzone reports from Nicaragua on the 42nd anniversary of the Sandinista revolution. Nicaraguans discuss their improved quality of life, President Ortega condemns the dictatorial US “empire that wants to dominate all countries,” and Vice President Murillo declares poverty an imperialist “crime against humanity.” MANAGUA, NICARAGUA – 42 years after the victory of the Sandinista revolution, Nicaraguans are still celebrating the gains of the leftist movement, and hoping to take the transformative process to another stage. This July 19, tens […]