Friends of Israel

How many British MPs are working for Israel?

Al Jazeera is to be congratulated on an undercover investigation exposing something most of us could probably have guessed: that some Israeli embassy staff in the UK – let’s not pussy around, Mossad agents – are working with senior political activists and politicians in the Conservative and Labour parties to subvert their own parties from within, and skew British foreign policy so that it benefits Israeli, rather than British, interests.

Get Corbyn!

With important local government elections a few days away the campaign against alleged antisemites reached a crescendo over the weekend, with the press and TV corps in full cry.
Their main quarry was former mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, now suspended from the party; their instrument a Labour MP bully-boy called John Mann, who happens to be chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism. But no-one is in any doubt that the ultimate aim of this operation is the downfall of Labour’s new leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

BDS must expose British MPs’ unnatural devotion to a foreign power that practices apartheid

Time to target the worst villains of all
BDS must expose our MPs’ unnatural devotion to a foreign power that practises apartheid, defies international law and terrorises children
 by Stuart Littlewood
Last week David Cameron, addressing Israel’s Knesset, pledged to defeat any boycotting of Israel. “Britain opposes boycotts,” he said without having consulted the British people on the matter.