Freedom Schools

Arizona Funds ‘Freedom Schools’ to Counter Liberal Marxism Run Amok in Colleges and Universities

Arizona colleges are implementing new academic programs, funded by the state, that examine the importance of Western culture and America’s founding, instead of simply criticizing it to create opposition. [Sounds like a long-overdue change, but we cannot help wondering why such a program requires special funding. Isn't that something the universities can do with present funding anytime they really want to?

Fight for Voting Rights in Mississippi Turns 50

Voting rights was a priority of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. The struggle to secure these rights achieved real traction and impact in the early 1960s. While the Jim Crow South was rife with voter suppression, there was no place more in need of voting reforms than Mississippi. Although black Mississippians comprised nearly 50 percent of the state’s population in 1960, less than 7 percent of its eligible black constituency was registered to vote, representing the lowest percentage in the union. In some counties, no blacks were registered to vote.