Freedom of the press

Turkey is Holding Thousands of Prisoners in Solitary Confinement Under Erdogan

(TM) – Thousands of prisoners are being held in solitary confinement in Turkey under conditions so harsh that some prisoners consider dying by suicide, Deutsche Welle Turkish service reported Tuesday. There are no official figures on the number of prisoners in solitary confinement or how many people die by suicide in prisons in Turkey, but observers told […]

On WikiLeaks, Mueller Ignored Findings of Former US Intelligence Officials

(SP) — Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on an investigation into alleged Russian efforts to meddle in the 2016 presidential election does not confirm, without a doubt, that Russian intelligence agents or individuals tied to Russian intelligence agencies passed on emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign to WikiLeaks. Mueller’s team highlighted statements from WikiLeaks on Twitter about former […]

Israeli Court Orders Deportation of HRW’s Omar Shakir Over Pro-Palestinian Activism

(CD) – An Israeli court on Tuesday ordered the deportation of Human Rights Watch’s Omar Shakir over his advocacy work against illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. The court’s decision marks the first time Israel’s draconian “anti-boycott law” has been applied to someone already legally present in the country. Shakir, HRW’s Israel and Palestine director, has called on […]

Assange’s ‘Conspiracy’ to Expose War Crimes Has Already Been Punished

(FAIR) – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should never have been punished for working with a whistleblower to expose war crimes. Chelsea Manning, the whistleblower, has done more time in prison, under harsher conditions, than William Calley, a key perpetrator of the My Lai massacre. Remarkably, Manning is in jail again, failed by organizations that should unreservedly defend her, as the US […]

The Arrest of Julian Assange is an Existential Threat to Journalism

(MEMO) —Julian Assange, the publisher of WikiLeaks, was hauled by force out the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Thursday. British secret police snatched him at the invitation of the embassy, which had revoked Assange’s asylum, first granted in 2012. Despite pretence that the arrest pertains to a minor bail-jumping charge – which would normally result in […]

Protesters Call on UK to #FreeAssange Outside British Embassy in Washington DC

(MPN) — Demonstrators gathered on Thursday – just hours after the arrest of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange by UK authorities – outside of the British Embassy in Washington D.C. to denounce the unprecedented affront to freedom of the press. Protesters also took the opportunity to highlight the injustice of the jailing of Chelsea Manning over her refusal to […]

How You Can Be Certain the US Charge Against Assange is Fraudulent

(CJ Opinion) — Julian Assange sits in a jail cell today after being betrayed by the Ecuadorian government and his home country of Australia. A British judge named Michael Snow has found the WikiLeaks founder guilty of violating bail conditions, inserting himself into the annals of history by labeling Assange “a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own […]

While US Media Play Along, Critics Warn Assange Indictment an ‘Obvious’ Ploy With Deeper Dangers

(CD) – The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday indicted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for a “computer hacking conspiracy,” a charge some corporate talking heads and reporters immediately touted as evidence that journalism is not under threat. “Indictment of Assange charges him with hacking, not publishing, a crucial difference for First Amendment concerns,” tweeted David Lauter, Washington bureau chief for the Los Angeles […]

“I am an Assassination Risk”: Assange and Ecuador’s Attorney General Face Off in Leaked Transcript

(ZH) – Julian Assange accused a “weak” Ecuador of starting to “lean on the United States and the UK for various kinds of support” last October – which he linked to the deteriorating conditions at the country’s London embassy where he has been living for nearly seven years. Assange made the comments during an October 29, 2018 court hearing requesting the […]