Freedom of Expression/Speech

Ecce Mortis: The University of Vigor, Ambition, Advertising

The University. Master’s degree in Business Strategies (MBS): “abstract advertising,” “imaginative marketing,”  “creative propaganda.”   Selling stuff.
The poet, Alterkocher, taught poetry, great poetry, The Masters, to hacks like me. He also taught Undergraduates  majoring in “liberal arts” —  for these, he had hope.  Young, not corrupted, possibly real scribblers among them to follow —  him.

Bad Penny and Brand(ed) Journalism

[Note: More New Statesman non-news in a time of global Big Brother, Climate Calamity, $5.5 Trillion Held by 1,400 People, War is Peace, Lies are Truth, in a piece, titled: "A Discourse on Brocialism ... On Brand, iconoclasm, and a woman's place in the revolution: a dialogue with Richard Seymour on the question of how to reconcile the fact that people need stirring up with the fact that the people doing the stirring so often fall down when