Fourth Amendment

FBI Facial Recognition Technology Has ‘No Limits,’ Congressional Hearing Reveals

The FBI’s facial recognition system stores criminal mugshots and citizen ID photos in the same database.
If Congress doesn’t take legislative action, the FBI’s vast and growing facial recognition database could someday soon allow the government to track Americans’ “every move” in a breathtaking, nationwide violation of the Fourth Amendment.
That was the takeaway of a scathing hearing in the Congressional Oversight Committee on the FBI’s use of facial recognition technology last week.

Can Border Officials Search Your Phone? These Are Your Rights

The unsettling fact is that border officials have long had broad powers — many people just don’t know about them. (AP Photo)
A NASA scientist heading home to the U.S. said he was detained in January at a Houston airport, where Customs and Border Protection officers pressured him for access to his work phone and its potentially sensitive contents.

US Border Agents Are Now Searching Digital Devices: What Are Your Rights?

A man holds up his iPhone during a rally in support of data privacy outside the Apple store in San Francisco. (AP/Eric Risberg)
PORTLAND, Ore. (ANALYSIS) — Watchdog groups that keep tabs on digital privacy rights are concerned that U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents are searching the phones and other digital devices of international travelers at border checkpoints in U.S. airports.

President Obama’s Data Harvesting Program: NSA as Pollster, PRISM as MISO

“And to the comfort offered by senators Chambliss, Graham, and Feinstein, who ask us to sleep well and sleep long, there is a simple reply. In what country do they think they are living, and under what constitution?”
By John Stanton
It is way too soon to bet the house fortune on the reliability of reports by the Washington Post (Washington, DC) and The Guardian (United Kingdom) on President Obama’s data harvesting program, known for the moment as PRISM.

President Obama’s Data Harvesting Program: NSA as Pollster, PRISM as MISO

“And to the comfort offered by senators Chambliss, Graham, and Feinstein, who ask us to sleep well and sleep long, there is a simple reply. In what country do they think they are living, and under what constitution?”
By John Stanton
It is way too soon to bet the house fortune on the reliability of reports by the Washington Post (Washington, DC) and The Guardian (United Kingdom) on President Obama’s data harvesting program, known for the moment as PRISM.