fossil fuel

Trump’s Pick For Science Advisor Agreed Not To Disclose Fossil Fuel Funding

Senator Ted Cruz greets Professor William Happer at a senate committee hearing during the 2015 Paris climate talks. (Photo: Ken Cedeno)
(REPORT) — The rumored front-runner for the role of Donald Trump’s scientific advisor is a prominent climate skeptic who was previously caught in an undercover Energydesk investigation agreeing to conceal fossil fuel funding of his research.

S.O.P. Save Our Planet

The man-made environmental catastrophe is the severest issue facing humanity. It should be the number one priority for governments, but despite repeated calls from scientists, environmental groups and concerned citizens for years, short-term policies and economic self-interest are consistently given priority over the integrity of the planet and the health of the population.
Environmental inequality

Leaked Memo Outlines Trump’s Energy Agenda

A leaked fromThomas Pyle, head of the Department of Energy transition team, and obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy, lists 14 key energy and environment policies the incoming Trump administration is expected to enact.
President-elect Donald Trump is set to gut US environmental regulations, open up federal lands for fossil fuel extraction, and quit the Paris climate agreement, according to documents seen by Energydesk.