foreign policy

‘No Preconditions’: Trump Offers to Meet With Iran’s Rouhani ‘Anytime They Want’

(ZHE) — President Trump said on Monday that he is willing to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani with “no preconditions,” exactly one week after he blasted out a fiery all-caps threat to the regime over Twitter. “I would certainly meet with Iran if they wanted to meet. I don’t know if they’re ready yet,” Trump said, responding […]

US Prepared to Attack Iran, With Saudi Forces Doing the Bulk of Fighting

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Is the United States preparing to attack Iran? On Friday, Defense Secretary James Mattis dismissed this idea as “fiction,” back when the sources were in the Australian military. Yet other US officials have since been quoted as saying the attack is still being considered. The pretext for this war appears to be the ongoing Yemen War. […]

Reporters Struggle to Get Pentagon to Answer Questions About War

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Much has been made about the Trump Administration’s hostility toward the media, and orders to keep troop levels classified in various war zones. The Pentagon’s lack of candor with the press is now also a growing problem, and is irking reporters who cover Pentagon briefings. Which is to say, the reporters who are supposed to […]

US Reportedly Preparing to Bomb Iran as Early as Next Month

(ZHE) As the White House convenes a policy meeting on Iran Thursday involving senior Pentagon officials and cabinet advisers under national security adviser John Bolton, and after a week of intense saber-rattling by President Donald Trump and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, a new bombshell report by Australia’s ABC says the White House is drawing up plans to strike Iran’s alleged nuclear facilities as […]

Congress Aims to Stop Arming Terrorists in Military Funding Bill

(ANTIWAR.COM) — A conference of House and Senate Armed Service Committee members have offered their joint version of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The annual military funding bill often includes a lot of policy-related amendments, and this year’s is no different. READ: Lawmakers Want the US to Stop Arming Terrorists Among these are efforts to substantially limit […]

In One Year, MSNBC Covered Stormy Daniels 455 Times, War in Yemen 0

Why is the No. 1 outlet of alleged anti-Trump #resistance completely ignoring his most devastating war? (FAIR) As FAIR has noted before (1/8/18, 3/20/18), to MSNBC, the carnage and destruction the US and its Gulf Monarchy allies are leveling against the poorest country in the Arab world is simply a non-issue. On July 2, a year had passed since […]

Furious Trump Threatens Iranian President: “You Will Suffer Consequences”

(MEE) — US President Donald Trump engaged in a war of words with Iran early Monday, firing off a 42-word, all-caps tweet warning Iranian President Hassan Rouhani not to threaten the United States or face the consequences. Trump was tweeting hours after Rouhani made a speech saying that hostile US policies towards Iran could lead to the “mother […]

After Warning of ‘Large and Painful Military Operation,’ Israel Begins Massive Bombing of Gaza

“Israeli snipers shoot and kill scores of unarmed Palestinian protesters in Gaza, including kids, then calls it self-defense. When a Palestinian sniper fires at one Israeli soldier, Israel bombs Gaza with F-16s and preps for all out war.” (CD) Just hours after Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned that Israel is gearing up to launch a […]

Trump Says His Critics Badly Want War With Russia

(ANTIWAR.COM) — In comments on Twitter early Thursday, President Trump faulted his critics, saying he believes they “badly want to see a major confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that could lead to war.” Trump has been saying he wants better relations with Russia since the 2016 campaign, and has been facing heavy criticism for that position ever […]

Sex, Guns, and Spycraft: Court Filing Unveils Shocking New Details in Russian Spy Case

(ZHE) Another interesting twist in the investigation of Maria Butina, the alleged Russian spy who tried to infiltrate the NRA and tried to arrange meetings between then-candidate Trump and Russian President Putin, has just been revealed in a new filing by the DOJ in its case against Butina, who is presently sitting in federal custody as […]