foreign policy

Anger Spreads at Mass Funeral for Yemeni Children Killed in School Bus Bombing

(MEE) — Thousands of Yemenis protested against Riyadh and Washington on Monday as they took part in a mass funeral for children killed in an air strike by the Saudi-led coalition. At least 29 children were among those killed in the air raid on Thursday on a bus in a crowded market in Dahyan, Saada province, according […]

Airstrike That Killed 14 Civilians in Afghanistan Never Happened, Says US

(ANTIWAR.COM) — On July 19, an airstrike hit a number of civilians in Afghanistan’s Kunduz Province, killing 14 of them. The Afghan government originally took the blame, though later the narrative was revised to a US strike. Now, US officials say the incident never happened. While it’s not unusual for the Pentagon to shrug off reports of civilian […]

Methods of Torture at US-Backed Prisons in Yemen: Bone Smashing, Rape, Electrocution

(MEMO) — Al Jazeera received a secret report prepared by former military officials who worked with the Saudi-UAE alliance in Yemen on the conditions of prisons and secret detention centres and forced disappearances. The information in the report matched the testimonies of prisoners and abductees given to human rights activists. Such details also reinforced what had been revealed […]

The Real Reason Why US-Turkey Relations Have Hit an All-Time Low

Over the past week, US-Turkey relations have hit an all-time low, but how did these two allies end up at odds with each other? (GPA Op-ed) — If you’ve been watching the news over the past week you may think the current hostility between Washington and Ankara is about the US pastor, Andrew Brunson. Brunson, who has […]

Watch: Reporters Slam US for Refusing to Condemn Bombing of School Bus in Yemen

(ZHE) — Just as expected, State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert refused to condemn Thursday’s coalition airstrike on a school bus in Yemen, which left as many as 50 people dead and 63 injured — the vast majority of which were children.  As we reported previously, Saudi-US/UK coalition jets scored a direct hit on the school bus packed with children as it drove through a crowded market […]

10 Bombshell Revelations From Seymour Hersh’s New Autobiography

(ZHE) — Among the more interesting revelations to surface as legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh continues a book tour and gives interviews discussing his newly published autobiography, Reporter: A Memoir, is that he never set out to write it at all, but was actually deeply engaged in writing a massive exposé of Dick Cheney — a project he decided couldn’t ultimately be published […]

US Sanctions Russia Over Alleged Chemical Attack in UK

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Months after Britain alleged that the Russian government carried out nerve-agent attacks in Salisbury, the Trump Administration has announced a new round of sanctions against Russia, aimed to punish them for the incident. The Novichuk poisoning incident was claimed by Britain’s government, but contested by Russia. There was never conclusive evidence to support the claims Russia was […]

That Time John Bolton Threatened to Murder Children to Start the Iraq War

(CJ Opinion) — If you’ve been wondering why you’re seeing John Bolton’s carrion-soaked mustache on screen more than usual lately, it’s because things are escalating further with Iran. President Trump’s National Security Advisor has been on a whirlwind media tour helping the imperial propaganda machine manufacture support for the latest round of crushing sanctions that have now gone […]