foreign policy

US Senate Rejects Call to Defund the ‘Slaughter of Yemeni Kids’

Republicans objected to the Senate’s “big chance to slam on the brakes and stop our role in enabling the suffering” in the Yemen war. (CD) — U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Wednesday denounced as “mind blowing” the decision to “continue to willingly participate in the slaughter of Yemeni kids” after Republicans objected to his amendment to […]

US Diplomats Increasingly Telling Other Countries to Buy American Weapons

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Diplomatic priorities for the US can be quite complicated, and sometimes inscrutable. One constant high priority, however, is selling weapons made by America’s major arms-makers to other countries. Though private companies, they increasingly find the US diplomatic corps working as their sales team. This represents official determination to see the US remain the world’s largest exporter […]

To the US Media, a ‘Regime’ Is a Government at Odds With the US Empire

(FAIR) — In the aftermath of the assassination attempt against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, an article in the Miami Herald (8/5/18) reported that “a clandestine group formed by Venezuelan military members opposed to the regime of Nicolás Maduro claimed responsibility.” A New York Times op-ed (8/10/18) mused, “No one knows whether the Maduro regime will last decades or days.” AFP (8/12/18) reported that […]

UK Finally Ditches ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels Ahead of Idlib Battle

(ZHE Op-ed) — CNN warns that Syrian and Russian forces are closing in on the “last rebel stronghold” in Syria while characteristically failing to inform its readers that the “rebel” coalition in control of the northwest pocket of Idlib is but the latest incarnation of al-Qaeda, calling itself Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. With the final major battle looming which could mark the […]

Mainstream Media Finally Concedes Defeat on Yemen, Ends Blackout of Coverage

(CJ Opinion) — Last month, an article by went viral in republications by popular alternative media outlets ranging from Salon to Zero Hedge to Alternet to Truthdig, among many others. The article was initially titled “ACTION ALERT: It’s Been Over a Year Since MSNBC Has Mentioned US War in Yemen”, but many subsequent republications went with variations on the more attention-grabbing headline, “MSNBC has done […]

Pentagon: US Forces to Stay in Iraq “as Long as Needed”

(MEE) — US forces will stay in Iraq “as long as needed” to help stabilise regions once controlled by the Islamic State (IS) group, a spokesman for the US-led international coalition said on Sunday. “We’ll keep troops there as long as we think they’re needed … The main reason, after ISIS (IS) is defeated militarily, is the […]

‘He Belongs in the Hague’: MSNBC Slammed for Handing Erik Prince Megaphone to Sell War

(CD) — Amid reports that President Donald Trump is “showing renewed interest” in Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s plan to hand the war in Afghanistan over to a private army led by an “American viceroy,” MSNBC on Friday happily gave the notorious war profiteer a cushy platform to make his nonsensical and dangerous pitch to the president almost entirely unchallenged. “Shame on MSNBC for giving Erik […]

Trump Delegates Military More Authority for Offensive Cyber Attacks

(ANTIWAR.COM) — This week, President Trump signed a new order delegating additional powers to the Pentagon to carry out offensive cyber attacks against America’s “adversaries.” The order greatly pares back limitations in place under the Obama Administration. This is the latest in a series of orders designed to not only increase US cyber attack capabilities, but also to obscure […]