foreign policy

Russia Deeply Concerned by US Military Preparing for Potential Strike on Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Following up on concerns expressed over the weekend that a “false flag” attack might be used as a pretext for a US attack on Syria, Russian Defense Ministry officials say they are deeply concerned by signs of a US military buildup around the area, seemingly setting up for just such an attack. READ: Russia Accuses Britain of Planning […]

UN Official Calls for Investigation Into US-Backed Slaughter of Civilians in Yemen

(MEMO) — The UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen has called for an “independent and impartial investigation” into attacks that target civilians. Lise Grande said that this is in order for everyone to know the truth. “What is happening in Yemen is unthinkable,” Grande warned in a statement issued on behalf of aid agencies working in Yemen. “The […]

Trump Just Cancelled Pompeo’s Trip to North Korea. That’s Not a Good Thing.

(ANTIWAR.COM) — In a flurry of Tweets on Friday, President Trump has announced that he has told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to cancel next week’s trip to North Korea, which he announced just yesterday. Trump cited a lack of progress on denuclearization as his reasoning. This is an unusual position to take, as the administration had long […]

Trump’s Signing of the 2019 NDAA Will Lead to More Dead Children in Yemen

Donald Trump recently made it clear he will not accept any limitations on the U.S. military’s logistical support of the war in Yemen. (CR) — On August 13, Donald Trump did what every president does, every single year, without question – he signed the annual military budget bill, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019. Some readers […]

US Announces $200 Million Cut in Humanitarian Aid for Palestinians

(CD) — The Trump administration announced Friday that it would cut $200 million in Palestinian aid, redirecting the funds to what it called “high priority projects elsewhere.” The decision comes three months after Trump administration officials including senior advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump celebrated the relocation of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv—a move that provoked […]

US Rejected Holding Off Iran Sanctions for Pullback of Iranian Forces From Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — According to national security adviser John Bolton, the US rejected a proposal to hold off on the re-imposition of sanctions against Iran in return for a “rollback” of Iranian forces from Syria. Bolton was vague on this offer, beyond suggesting it came from Russia. He wasn’t clear if “holding off” on the sanctions meant a delay or […]

US Intends to Use Sanctions to Drive Iranian Oil Exports Down to Zero

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Paying up US sanctions against Iran during his visit to Israel, John Bolton said that the US is fully prepared to use its sanctions to drive Iranian oil exports down to zero to force a “massive change in the regime’s behavior.” State Department officials have previously said “cut to zero” was a goal, but that appears virtually […]

US Warns Assad “We Will Respond” If Chemical Weapons Used in Idlib Offensive

(ZHE Op-ed) — Here we go again. Did Bolton just give jihadists facing imminent final defeat under Assad and Russian bombs an open door invitation to initiate a chemical provocation? As CNN and others warned this week that Syrian and Russian forces are closing in on the “last rebel stronghold” in Syria in the country’s northwest pocket of Idlib province, US […]