foreign policy

Nikki Haley: Palestinian ‘Right of Return’ Should Be Taken ‘Off the Table’

(MEMO) — US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has said that the right of return of Palestinian refugees displaced since 1948 is an issue that should be taken “off the table”, according to the Times of Israel. Commenting at an appearance at the Foundation for the Defence of Democracies, a pro-Israel think tank based in Washington DC, […]

New York Times Finally Admits US Aiding Saudi War Crimes in Yemen

(MEMO) — US assistance to the Saudi-led coalition’s war in Yemen has amounted to killing innocent Yemeni civilians, the New York Times argued in its newspaper. The op-ed piece cited reports by the UN and international watchdog Human Rights Watch, which said the Saudi coalition is responsible for war crimes in Yemen. The report also emphasised the role of the […]

State Department Denies Reuters Report That US Officials Met With Syrian Officials

(MEE) — A US State Department spokeswoman said on Wednesday that a report US officials visited Damascus in June to meet with Syrian officials did not reflect reality. “It doesn’t reflect any reality that we are certainly aware of,” said spokeswoman Heather Nauert. “We’ve seen that report. It doesn’t reflect what the US government is tracking at this point […]

US Officials Met With Syrian Officials in June for the First Time in Seven Years

UPDATE: State Department Denies Reuters Report That US Officials Met With Syrian Officials (MEE) — US intelligence and defence officials met with Syria’s security chief Ali Mamlouk in Damascus, according to multiple sources, seven years after severing diplomatic links with President Bashar al-Assad‘s government and backing the Syrian opposition. Two senior US intelligence officials, speaking on the condition of […]

US and Israel Create Joint Team to Enforce Iran Sanctions

(MEMO) — After a successful campaign to have the Iran nuclear deal torn up, Israel has now taken up the role of enforcer. With US President Donald Trump set to announce second rounds of sanctions in November, America and Israel have set up a joint team that will enforce economic sanctions against Iran in the high-tech sector. […]

Hey America, Can We Stop Celebrating Criminals Now?

The constant stream of lies, disinformation, and misinformation has many people supporting and praising establishment figures responsible for criminal acts. (CR Op-ed) — In recent weeks a trend has emerged which finds activists, journalists, and news pundits showing their true state-worshiping colors as they celebrate political figures with their own dark past. Individuals who once questioned and challenged […]

US Prepared to Reduce Support for Saudi Arabia If Civilian Deaths Rise in Yemen

(MEMO) — Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman’s gung-ho attitude towards the war in Yemen has drawn the ire of the US. The heavy handed attitude of the young prince known also as MBS has forced the Americans into actions against their long-time ally following the outcry over civilian casualties in the war in Yemen. According to CNN, the […]

Iran Will Keep Military Presence in Syria Despite US Pressure for Its Withdrawal

(MEE) — Iran will maintain its military presence in Syria despite US pressure for its withdrawal, a senior Iranian official said on Tuesday, revealing more details about a military cooperation deal that Tehran and Damascus signed this week. Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami visited Damascus on Saturday for talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and senior military […]

UN: Repeated Bombing of Civilians in Yemen May Amount to War Crimes

“Despite the severity of the situation we continue to see a complete disregard for the people in Yemen,” says co-author of UN’s investigative report. (CD) — Evidence presented as part of a wide-ranging investigation sponsored by the United Nations and released Tuesday shows that the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates waging a war […]