foreign policy

Video: What the US-Backed Slaughter of Children in Yemen Looks Like

(CD) — As part of the effort by anti-war progressives to bring an end to the U.S. involvement with the ongoing war in Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, a new video released Friday morning shows the horrific aftermath of a bombing last month that left scores of children dead after their bus […]

US Officially Commits to ‘Indefinite’ Military Presence in Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — According to State Department officials, President Trump has recently abandoned his desire to “get out” of Syria and bring US troops home. He has signed a new strategy, which includes new military goals, and eliminates all timelines for removing troops from Syria. US troops are in several parts of Syria, mostly in the Kurdish-held northeast. An […]

Trump Puts Regime Change War in Syria Back on the Table

(ZHE) — Will the war in Syria never end? Will the international proxy war and stand-off between Russia, the United States, Iran, and Israel simply continue to drift on, fueling Syria’s fires for yet more years to come?  It appears so according to an exclusive Washington Post report which says that President Trump has expressed a desire for complete 180 […]

Video: Bombshell Documents Expose the Secret Lie That Started the Afghan War

(CR) — How did the war in Afghanistan start? And how did NATO become involved in this conflict?  These details are never discussed because they have for nearly two decades been hidden behind a shroud of secrecy. But now, after nearly two decades of lies, the remarkable truth about the secret documents that helped launch the Afghan war […]

US Warns Russia and Iran Against Killing “Hundreds of Thousands” of Syrians in Idlib

(ZHE Op-ed) — It seems to happen just about every September and April over the past years: every time the Syrian proxy war seems to have receded from international media attention for a period of a long summer or a winter, a mass attention-grabbing event or massacre happens to suddenly yank the world’s (and the White House’s) focus right back on […]

Growing Calls for US to Stop Fueling Saudi Bombings of Yemeni Children

(CD) — After the U.S.-backed Saudi-led coalition issued a statement on Saturday calling its deadly bombing of a Yemeni school bus “unjustified” and claiming it was the result of mere “mistakes,” human rights groups and progressive lawmakers ramped up calls for the U.S. to immediately halt all arms sales to Saudi Arabia, which has been viciously bombing Yemen for years. “We must end […]

US Strategy in Syria: ‘Create Quagmires Until We Get What We Want’

(ANTIWAR.COM) — In 2013, top Obama Administration officials described their policy in the Syrian War as one of keeping the war going. The administration wanted a big seat at the table for a political settlement, which officials clarified meant ensuring that the war kept going so that there was never a clear victor. The Trump Administration seems to […]

US to End All Funding to UN Agency That Helps Palestinian Refugees

(MEE) — The Trump administration will announce within weeks that it will halt all funding for the United Nations agency which provides humanitarian aid to more than five million Palestinian refugees, according to multiple reports this week. As part of its decision, the US will also call for a sharp decrease in the number of Palestinians who […]