foreign policy

US Sending Mixed Messages on Military’s Role in Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — US officials are increasingly public in their intentions to keep military forces inside Syria indefinitely. This is, however, raising questions that Trump Administration officials aren’t ready to answer, like why. State Department special envoy James Jeffrey was the latest to take a crack at explaining US goals in Syria. As with previous answers, the claims are […]

The Biggest Donor in All of US Politics Brings an Israel First Agenda to Washington

(MPN) — According to publicly available campaign finance data, Sheldon Adelson – the conservative, Zionist, casino billionaire –is now the biggest spender on federal elections in all of American politics. Adelson, who was the top donor to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Republican Party in 2016, has cemented his role as the top political donor in the country […]

US to Evacuate Consulate in Iraq, Citing Threats From Iran

(ZHE) — On Friday the State Department announced it is evacuating all non-essential personnel from the US consulate in Basra, Iraq. The drastic move comes after a month of heavy anti-Iran and anti-Iraqi government protests that have gripped the southern city, which has led to sectarian rioting and the burning of Shia militia buildings, as well as the torching of the […]

US Military to Stay in Syria as Long as Iran Remains There

(MEE) — The United States will stay in Syria as long as Iran maintains its presence, but the US role will not necessarily involve troops, a senior official said on Thursday. James Jeffrey, the US special representative on Syria, was clarifying recent comments by senior officials who appeared to suggest that troops would stay indefinitely to counter […]

5 Stories Nobody Is Talking About as the Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Unfolds

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — The media, Congress, and the American people continue to fix to their attention on Brett Kavanaugh and today’s hearings regarding allegations of sexual assault and harassment against him. While these are serious issues and should not be taken lightly, there are numerous other developments that are falling by the wayside as the national conversation remains […]

US Pulls Patriot Missiles From Middle East as Military Focus Shifts to China, Russia

(ZHE) — The Pentagon is removing Patriot missile systems from several Middle Eastern countries next month, in a move that the Wall Street Journal says coincides with a “realignment of forces and capabilities as the military steps up its focus on threats from China and Russia,” citing multiple senior military officials. The relocation of the systems out of the […]

China Warns of ‘Cold War Mentality’ as US Tensions Mount

(ANTIWAR.COM) — President Trump has accused China of trying to meddle in the November mid-term elections, while other US officials are claiming China is try to influence US public opinion to “an unacceptable level.” This is the latest in a series of allegations, surrounding an ongoing US-China trade war, and President Trump blaming China for struggles in […]

South Korean President: Kim Is Serious About Giving Up His Nuclear Bombs

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, South Korean President Moon Jae-in defended the ongoing denuclearization talks with North Korea, saying he believes Kim Jong Un is serious about denuclearization. President Moon added that he believes that this round of diplomacy is different from previous efforts, because it is a leader-down process, and top leaders like […]

US and Iran Exchange Threats, Insults on UN’s World Stage

(MEMO) — US President Donald Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani exchanged taunts at the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday with Trump vowing more sanctions against Tehran and Rouhani suggesting his American counterpart suffers from a “weakness of intellect”, Reuters reports. Trump used his annual address to the United Nations to attack Iran’s “corrupt dictatorship,” praise last year’s […]

The US Isn’t Just Backing the Yemen War — It’s Helping Trap Those Forced to Flee

The United States is helping Oman militarize its border with Yemen, trapping refugees from the U.S.-backed bombing of the country. (FPIF) — By now, the images are infamous: stunned, bloodied Yemeni children arriving at the hospital after their summer camp bus was bombed by Saudi aircraft. The United States is deeply implicated in that August 9 attack, […]