foreign policy

NATO Sends 50,000 Troops to Largest Exercise Since Cold War

(ANTIWAR.COM) — US Marines are landing in Iceland and warplanes are flying overhead in Scandinavia, just days ahead of the kickoff of Trident Juncture. The annual exercise, focused on the Arctic Circle and Scandinavia, is set to be the largest operation since the Cold War. 31 countries are involved, 29 NATO members and Finland and Sweden. They will […]

John Bolton Pushes Trump to Withdraw From Russian Nuclear Treaty

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Years of US allegations that Russia is violating the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) may be coming to a head, with John Bolton reportedly pushing hard for President Trump to withdraw outright from the pact. Instead of negotiating over the questions, Bolton wants the US to just withdraw outright, despite that being a major escalation on […]

Trump Threatens to Send Military to Shut Down Border With Mexico

(ANTIWAR.COM) — After a couple of days of non-specific threats regarding a planned migrant caravan heading from Honduras and El Salvador to the US, President Trump is now threatening to send the military to the US-Mexico border, and to close the border entirely. Trump declared the caravan an “assault on our country,” claiming it is “far more important […]

Saudi Arabia Transfers $100,000,000 to the US as Khashoggi Crisis Deepens

(MEE) — When US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo flew into Riyadh to discuss the disappearance and likely death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Saudi Arabia transferred $100m to the State Department for US efforts against the Islamic State (IS) group, the New York Times reported late Tuesday. While the funding was approved earlier in the summer, critics […]

Mike Pompeo: The US Wants the Entire Middle East to Look Like Israel

(MEMO) — US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said yesterday that “Israel is everything we want the entire Middle East to look like going forward” and that US-Israel relations are “stronger than ever”. Speaking at an award ceremony held by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America in Washington DC, Pompeo hailed Israel as “democratic and […]

Trump Pressures Saudi Arabia to Explain What Happened to Missing Journalist

(MEMO) — US President Donald Trump increased pressure on Saudi Arabia on Wednesday to provide information about what happened to the missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and said he wanted to get the bottom of what he called “a very serious situation”, Reuters reports. In a fresh clue, a pro-government Turkish daily on Wednesday published preliminary evidence from investigators it […]

UN Reports Over 8,000 Afghan Civilians Killed in 2018, Mostly Women and Children

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Adding to a growing list of UN reports released recently all showing a surge in Afghan civilian casualties in different manners, a Wednesday report was released showing that civilian deaths are surging from US and Afghan government airstrikes. This has been ongoing through the year, with a decrease in US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria leading […]