foreign policy

North Korea Warns They’ll Return to Nuke Development If Sanctions Aren’t Lifted

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Over the weekend, North Korea issued a statement warning that they will “seriously consider” returning to the development on nuclear weapons if the US continues to refuse to ease economic sanctions against them. Since North Korea halted nuclear testing and has made substantial diplomatic progress, many nations have advocated for some early sanctions relief, but so […]

The Untold Story of the US-Saudi Petrodollar Partnership

In the last few weeks, numerous articles and analyses have been produced relating to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. However, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States has not been questioned, and the reason for this has not yet been explained. (SC) — Nixon’s decision in 1971 to withdraw the United States from […]

In Shocking Interview, Top Commander Admits US Cannot Win War in Afghanistan

(ZHE) — Historians of the now seventeen-year old U.S. war in Afghanistan will take note of this past week when the newly-appointed American general in charge of US and NATO operations in the country made a bombshell, historic admission. He conceded that the United States cannot win in Afghanistan. Speaking to NBC News last week, Gen. Austin Scott Miller made his […]

John Bolton Praises Openly Fascist Jair Bolsonaro as ‘Like-Minded’ Ally

(CD) — Declaring not just sympathy but outright admiration for a fascist who has threatened violence against his leftist political opponents, celebrated the use of torture, and promised to give the police free rein to murder at will, U.S. national security adviser John Bolton on Thursday praised Brazil’s newly elected strongman President Jair Bolsonaro as a “like-minded” partner who shares […]

Taliban Stronger Than at Any Time Since Afghanistan War Began in 2001

(ANTIWAR.COM) —With Afghan security forces suffering record casualties, and their already tenuous control slipping all the time, things are looking dire in Afghanistan. But from the Taliban perspective, all these same stats add up to things looking pretty good. The Taliban is getting stronger all the time, and now controls more of Afghanistan than at any time […]

US Blames Iran for Impoverishing Civilians While Prepping Further Sanctions

(CJ Opinion) — The United States government is preparing to implement an additional level of sanctions against Iran for its refusal to meet a dozen demands that are so absurdly unreasonable that they have been called a regime change policy in all but name. The sanctions which have already been implemented have already badly hurt the Iranian economy, the sting […]

US Senators Call on Trump to Suspend Nuclear Agreement Talks With Saudi Arabia

(MEE) — Five Republican US senators have called on President Donald Trump to suspend talks to reach a civilian nuclear cooperation agreement with Saudi Arabia over the recent killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. In a letter sent to the president on Wednesday, the politicians said they have been concerned by Riyadh’s ongoing refusal to adopt policies and […]