foreign policy

Trump Praises Saudis After CIA Blames Crown Prince for Khashoggi’s Murder

(ZHE) — Hours after the publication of a bombshell CIA report claiming that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman had almost certainly ordered the killing of Saudi dissident and former US resident Jamal Khashoggi, responses from lawmakers and senior US government officials – including the president himself – are rolling in. One of the first to respond was none […]

US Has Spent $5,900,000,000,000 on War Since 2001: Study

(ANTIWAR.COM) — A new report from Brown University is aiming to provide a close estimate of the overall cost to the US government of its myriad post-9/11 wars and assorted global wars on terror. The estimate is that $5.933 trillion has been spent through fiscal year 2019. This is, of course, vastly higher than official figures, owing to […]

House Leadership Aims to Stop Debate on US Involvement in Yemen War

(ANTIWAR.COM) — On Wednesday, a measure is being advanced at the behest of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) aiming to derail House Continuing Resolution 138, a War Powers Act challenge which would force an end to the US military involvement in the Saudi-led War in Yemen. Under the War Powers Act, any individual lawmaker is intended to […]

500,000 Killed by America’s Global War on Terror Just Scratches the Surface

(CD) — The United States’ so-called War on Terror has killed about half a million people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, according to a new estimate from the Costs of War Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute. “This new body count signals that, far from diminishing, the war is only intensifying,” Stephanie Savell, co-director of the project, […]

US Ends Refueling of Saudi Coalition Aircraft in Yemen Conflict

(ANTIWAR.COM) — One of the most visible aspects of direct US involvement in the Saudi invasion of Yemen, mid-air refueling of Saudi warplanes bombing the country, has come to an end over the weekend. US and Saudi officials both confirmed this program has halted. US officials offered few specifics on the decision, but Saudi state media claimed that they […]

US Air Force Preparing for War Against Russia and China

The Air Force is undergoing its biggest expansion since the end of the Cold War, and the reasons are clear. (FPIF Op-ed) — In September, at the Air Force Association’s annual Space & Cyber ​​Conference, Heather Wilson — Donald Trump’s Secretary of the U.S. Air Force — presented the Trump administration’s new roadmap for the U.S. Air Force: the […]

Nations the World Over Disapprove of US Foreign Policy, Except for Israel

Last week, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to condemn the US embargo against Cuba. A total of 189 member-nations said Cuba did not deserve this embargo, which began in 1961 and has continued unabated to this day. Only two countries – the United States and Israel – voted against the motion. No country abstained.

State Department: US Will Soon Impose More Sanctions Against Russia

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The US State Department has announced that they intend to soon impose additional sanctions against Russia, after demanding that Russia provide them with a statement offering very specific “assurances” on the use of chemical weapons. This all goes back to the allegations of a March Novichok attack in Salisbury, England. The British government blamed Russia for the […]