foreign policy

US Complicity in Saudi Arabia’s Genocide in Yemen Spans Both Obama and Trump

As a scholar of genocide and human rights, I believe the destruction brought about by these attacks combined with the blockade amounts to genocide. (CONVERSATION) — A Saudi-led coalition of states has been aggressively bombing Yemen and imposing an air and naval blockade of its ports for more than three years, leading U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to describe Yemen as “the world’s […]

Bolton Won’t Listen to Khashoggi Murder Tape Because He Doesn’t Speak Arabic

(MEE) — US National Security Adviser John Bolton has said he doesn’t need to listen to the audio recording of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder because he doesn’t understand Arabic. Speaking to reporters in a confrontational manner on Tuesday, Bolton asked: “Why do you think I should? What do you think I’ll learn from it?” “I’m just trying to […]

Ukraine Declares Martial Law as Tensions With Russia Soar

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Following up on Sunday’s maritime incident in the Sea of Azov, the Ukrainian parliament voted Monday on a declaration of martial law. They are presenting this as a “partial mobilization” of the military as officials hype the possibility of war with Russia. The martial law will formally begin on Wednesday, and last for 30 days. President Petro Poroshenko said […]

American Public Strongly Favors End to US-Backed War in Yemen: Poll

(CD) — Following an escalation in the Saudi-led assault on the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah, most Americans said in a survey released Monday that the U.S. must end the support that has made possible the Saudis’ war in the impoverished country. A poll commissioned by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and taken by YouGov found that three-quarters of […]

Republicans Split With Donald Trump Over Saudi Arabia

(MEE) — Republican politicians in the United States have split with Donald Trump over Jamal Khashoggi’s killing, publicly questioning and raising concerns about the US president’s continued embrace of Saudi Arabia in light of the gruesome murder. Last week, in a meandering written statement, Trump vowed to remain a “steadfast partner” of Saudi Arabia, saying both Saudi King […]

Trump’s Price Tag for Saving Mohammed bin Salman: $450,000,000,000

(MEE) — US President Donald Trump’s latest statement on Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder is an extraordinary example of political sincerity – although backed by a completely wrong analysis. Trump departed from the usual empty and generic rhetoric made by former American presidents about Saudi Arabia. He made it very clear that the US will condone what Saudi Crown Prince […]

US Airstrikes Kill at Least 40, Mostly Civilians, in Eastern Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Continuing weeks of near-daily civilian death tolls from the US air war in Eastern Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has reported that Saturday’s US attacks killed 40 more people, overwhelmingly civilians. The victims were described as mostly women and children. Saturday’s attacks were against the village of Abu al-Hassan, along the Iraq border. It […]

Trump Calls CIA Conclusion on Khashoggi Murder “Premature,” Promises Full Report

(ANTIWAR.COM) — President Trump says he will be releasing a “very full report” on the Saudi murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Istanbul consulate within the next two days. Trump promised the report will include “who did it.” The odds are this official report won’t implicate the Saudi crown prince, as the CIA already did that in […]