foreign policy

Trump “Reconsidering” Withdrawal of US Troops From Syria Thanks to Lindsey Graham

(ZHE) — President Trump is “reconsidering” his strategy to pull US forces out of Syria following an “eye-opening trip to Iraq” the day after Christmas, Bloomberg reports. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who sits on the Senate Armed Forces Committee – a harsh critic of Trump’s announced pullout, said earlier Sunday that he would try to change Trump’s mind during […]

US Troops Still Patrolling Syria’s Manbij Despite Trump’s Order to Stop Being There

(MEE) — The Stars and Stripes fluttered above four US armoured vehicles driving through drizzle in the Syrian city of Manbij on Sunday, each visibly carrying an armed soldier on lookout duty. The US patrol inside the strategic city near the Turkish border comes despite President Donald Trump’s shock announcement this month that he is pulling American […]

US Commanders Recommend Letting Syrian Kurds Keep US-Supplied Weapons

(MEE) — US commanders planning for the withdrawal of their troops from Syria are recommending that Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State (IS) be allowed to keep US-supplied weapons, four American officials have said, a move that would likely anger NATO ally Turkey. Three of the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the recommendations were part of […]

Furious Iraqi Politicians Demand Withdrawal of 5,200 US Troops

(MEMO) — Iraqi MPs have condemned the surprise visit of US President Donald Trump to American troops stationed in the country, calling for them to leave. MPs from the two largest parliamentarian blocs condemned Trump’s visit, which was not arranged with the Iraqi government, considering it a “violation of Iraq’s sovereignty”. They also set a date to discuss […]

Mattis Signs Order to Withdraw US Troops From Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — With just a week left before his new departure date, Defense Secretary James Mattis has signed the official order to withdraw US troops from Syria. Mattis had opposed the withdrawal, and it is seen as a major reason for his resignation. The withdrawal will see some 2,000 US troops removed from Syria, a plan announced […]

Send Mad Dog Mattis to the Corporate Kennel

(CN Opinion) — Outgoing Defense Secretary Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis was famous for quipping, “It’s fun to shoot some people.” It remains a supreme irony that Mattis was widely considered the only “adult in the room” in the Trump administration. Compared to whom? John Bolton, the rabid neocon serving as national security adviser? That would be the epitome […]

Endless War Has Been Normalized and Everyone Is Crazy

(CJ Opinion) — Since I last wrote about the bipartisan shrieking, hysterical reaction to Trump’s planned military withdrawal from Syria the other day, it hasn’t gotten better, it’s gotten worse. I’m having a hard time even picking out individual bits of the collective freakout from the political/media class to point at, because doing so would diminish the frenetic white […]

Democrats and Republicans Unite in Panic Over Syria Pullout, Afghanistan Drawdown

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Open-ended war continuation has so much momentum in the US that President Trump’s announced pullout from Syria shocked the nation. Followed up the same week with a drawdown from Afghanistan, the mainstream is now completely apoplectic. On the left and right, comfort with the status quo was virtually uniform. The arguments behind condemning the drawdowns vary […]

10 Takeaways on Mattis Exit and Possible US Withdrawal From Syria and Afghanistan

(CD) — Journalist Jeremy Scahill—who has built a career reporting on American militarism and imperialism across the globe—turned to Twitter on Friday to weigh in on a few major foreign policy developments over the past 24 hours: the resignation of Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis, and President Donald Trump’s consideration of withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria and Afghanistan. Mattis will […]