foreign policy

Elizabeth Warren and the Military Industrial Complex

WASHINGTON —  Senator Elizabeth Warren is making strides to characterize her foreign policy vision as a progressive one after she announced she’d be forming an exploratory committee for a presidential run. But her record on the issues and her associations with war hawks contrasts sharply with her liberal rhetoric.
One executive of a defense firm said the perception in the industry is that Warren is not “adversarial” to them.

Under Pressure, Trump Sought Pledges From Erdogan About Fate of Syrian Kurds

(ANTIWAR.COM) — After announcing the US withdrawal from Syria in the wake of a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President Trump held a second call days later seeking assurances from Erdogan about what would happen to the Syrian Kurdish territory Turkey is about to invade. Trump told Erdogan he was “under pressure,” and needed a […]

Mainstream media predicts ouster of Trump – or is it just a fantasy list?

One of The’s Opinion contributors, John Leboutillier, gave a 30-point list of predictions for 2019, many of them centered around the continued Irritant-in-Chief (as far as Mr. Leboutillier is concerned, apparently) President Donald Trump. To see the predictions, one would be led to believe that doom is imminent for the career of the American President.
There are some problems with the list of predictions.

Trump’s Slowing Syria Pullout Raises Many Serious Questions

(ANTIWAR.COM) — President Trump’s decision to slow the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, after initial reports that he planned for a “rapid” withdrawal, are raising a lot of questions. These center heavily on how this apparently unilateral slowing of the pullout is reconciled with previous promises to closely coordinate with Turkey. The decision to withdraw, after all, […]

Majority of Americans Back Trump’s Drawdowns in Syria, Afghanistan

(ANTIWAR.COM) — In the weeks since the White House announced an upcoming withdrawal from Syria, media coverage and comments from lawmakers on the matter have been almost uniformly critical. In many cases, the coverage has been hysterically so, warning of an imminent second 9/11 over it. Yet this consistent narrative isn’t informing the public nearly so much as opinion-makers likely […]

Mattis Quotes Lincoln in Farewell Letter, Urges Pentagon Staff to “Hold Fast”

(ZHE) — In a fitting tribute to his tenure as Secretary of Defense, James Mattis found himself at the butt-end of an oblique twitter attack launched by his soon-to-be-former boss on Monday. In a series of early morning tweets, Trump castigating the “failed generals” who opposed his decision to pull US troops from Syria and Afghanistan. But as Mattis […]