foreign policy

Iran Urges Diplomacy as US Ramps Up “Wildly Reckless” Threats of War

(CD) — In the face of belligerent threats of war from the Trump administration, Iran on Wednesday took what some observers described as rational steps to reduce compliance with the nuclear accord to pressure European nations to live up to their end of the deal. “The path we have chosen today is not the path of war, it is the path of diplomacy,” […]

White House Accuses Iran of Planning to Attack US Troops in Iraq

(ANTIWAR.COM) — A US buildup of military forces in the Middle East and threats to use force against Iran are now being justified by US officials who claim to have “clear indications” that Iran was plotting to attack US forces in Iraq according to some reports. Exactly what these “clear indications” actually were is unclear. Israeli media, […]

Trump Backs Israel “100%” Amid Airstrikes on Gaza Strip

(MEMO) — US President Donald Trump on Sunday threw his support behind Israel amid ongoing airstrikes in the blockaded Gaza Strip. “Once again, Israel faces a barrage of deadly rocket attacks by terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. We support Israel 100% in its defense of its citizens,” Trump tweeted. Since Saturday, 25 Palestinians, including two pregnant […]

Despite International Law, Pompeo Claims US Military Attack on Venezuela “Would Be Lawful”

(CD) — After U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday morning that President Donald Trump has a “full range of options” when it comes to possible next moves against Venezuela, anti-war critics are wondering what the Democrats in Congress are prepared to do in order to curtail the administration’s ongoing threat of using military force to […]

US Carrier Strike Group Sent to Middle East in “Clear and Unmistakable Message” to Iran

(ZH) — After weeks of heated rhetoric and the exchange of threats related to US oil export sanctions on Iran, and with both sides eyeing the enforcement of its rights over the vital Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, the White House has just announced what will be looked on by Tehran as a major and […]

Lindsey Graham Wants Aircraft Carrier to Confront Russians and Cubans in Venezuela

(ZH) — No, it doesn’t appear to be mere hyperbole, considering it’s the well-known neocon uber-hawk senator from South Carolina, who like the late John McCain would never waist precious opportunity to put the USA firmly on the war path. Addressing recent reports that Cuba and Russia have sent troops to Venezuela to prop up embattled President Nicolas […]

Senate Fails to Override Trump’s Veto on Yemen War Resolution

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Calls to reassert Congressional authority over US war-making failed to muster enough votes to override President Trump’s veto of the Yemen War Powers resolution, which demanded Trump withdraw US involvement from the unauthorized war. The vote was 53-45, short of the two-thirds majority needed to override. Opposition to the war was driven by the war crimes […]