foreign policy

Bernie Sanders Delivers Online Address: “We Must Not Go to War With Iran”

(CD) — Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday came out forcefully against the Trump administration angling the United States into another costly and unnecessary war of choice in the Middle East—this time against Iran—delivering an online address in which he warned that any military action without approval from Congress would be an “unconstitutional and illegal” […]

Top British Commander in Rare Public Dispute With US Over Iran Intelligence

(ZH) — An awkward public exchange unfolded between the US military and its closest allied military coalition force during a Pentagon press conference on Tuesday wherein a top British commander in charge of anti-ISIS coalition forces rebuked White House claims on the heightened Iran threat. “No – there’s been no increased threat from Iranian-backed forces in […]

Trump ‘Sort of’ Denies Plan to Deploy 120,000 US Troops for War With Iran

(ANTIWAR.COM) — President Trump sort of denied last night’s report that the Pentagon’s plan for a war with Iran would see 120,000 US ground troops sent to the Middle East, saying that the report was in the New York Times and therefore must be “fake news.” The 120,000 troops plan was attributed to the Pentagon, and said to be […]

Warnings of ‘Gulf of Tonkin 2.0’ as US Officials Blame Iran for Oil Tanker Attacks

(CD) — Is the Trump administration attempting to concoct a false pretext to justify launching a war against Iran? That question has become increasingly common and urgent among anti-war commentators and activists in recent days as U.S. intelligence officials—without citing any concrete evidence—blamed Iran for reported attacks on Saudi and UAE oil tankers in the Strait of […]

Leaked Document Pokes Major Holes in Establishment Syria Narrative

(CJ Opinion) — “It is hard to overstate the significance of this revelation,” tweets former British MP George Galloway of a new report by the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media (WGSPM). “The war-machine has now been caught red-handed in a staged chemical weapons attack for the purposes of deceiving our democracies into what could have turned into a full-scale […]