foreign policy

Venezuela Talks in Norway Must Only Focus on Maduro’s Removal: US

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The US State Department has “noted” that the Venezuelan talks being held in Norway are ongoing, but has refused to either support or denounce them, insisting only that they must carry the precondition that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro will be removed from office. The US backed the opposition taking power in Venezuela back in January, and […]

Trump Contradicts Bolton on North Korea’s Missile Tests, Says He’s Confident in Kim

(ANTIWAR.COM) — While John Bolton continues to play up growing US hostility anywhere and everywhere, President Trump appeared to very directly contradict him on North Korea, just days after Bolton declared that Trump is determined to crack down on North Korea after recent missile tests. Trump, however, downplayed the missile tests, saying the tests “disturbed some […]

Trump Bypasses Congress to Approve $8 Billion in Emergency Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

(ZH) — Not long after he reportedly agreed to send another 1,500-2,000 troops to the Middle East in yet another show of strength to combat an increasingly belligerent Iran, President Trump steamrolled Congress on Friday to approve $8 billion in arms sales to the UAE and Saudi Arabia and expedite delivery, WSJ reports. The administration invoked a rarely used […]

US-Made Saudi Warplanes and Bombs Are Still Killing Many Civilians in Yemen

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Over the course of a five year war in Yemen, Saudi Arabia has killed the vast majority of civilians. The killings were overwhelmingly from airstrikes, which brings uncomfortable attention to the US. The Saudi airstrikes, after all, are done almost exclusively in US-made warplanes, and dropping largely US-made munitions. The US has also, for much of […]

From Golden Boy to Total Failure: The Media Trajectory of Juan Guaido

(MPN) — At first, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido was characterized by the mainstream media as the eighth wonder of the world. But now, after his failed military revolt, it seems ‘Coupbama’ (as Guaido is known) is being treated more harshly by the press. In the immediate aftermath of the attempted military coup, the mainstream media […]

US Accuses Syria of More Chemical Attacks

(CJ Opinion) — The Institute for Public Accuracy published a report yesterday about the leaked engineering assessment from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons investigation into an alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria which directly contradicts the findings of the official OPCW report on the matter. Until the unauthorized release of this internal document the public was kept entirely […]