foreign policy

Israel Calls ICC Antisemitic For Deciding It Has Jurisdiction Over War Crimes

On Friday the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s Pre-Trial Chamber ruled through a unanimous decision that it has jurisdiction in the Palestinian occupied territories (POT), meaning that the ICC’s prosecutor can pursue convicting Israel of warcrimes in the POT’s. The ICC’s Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, as of Friday’s ICC decision, now has the ability to hold Read More...

Joe Biden Is Not Ending The War On Yemen

US President Joe Biden broke international headlines this Thursday, announcing that the United States would end its support for Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen. The announcement was met with much praise, however, the reality is that Biden is not ending the war at all. The speech delivered by President Biden, outlining the intended direction of Read More...

Biden Continues Policies Which Put Kids In Cages, In Syria

Joe Biden and his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, backed policies towards Syria which saw innocent children separated from their families and placed in cages. But the worst part of it, is that they have no quarrels with doing it again. Despite many having celebrated US President, Joe Biden’s, alleged policy position of eliminating the Read More...

Does Iran’s Government Persecute Its Christian Population?

A report published last year by experts working at the United Nations has been repeatedly cited, especially throughout Right-Wing press in the United States, as proof that Iran persecutes its Christian population for practicing their faith. But are these charges true, or is there more to the story? Iran’s constitution unequivocally protects the rights of Read More...

Israel’s Threats Against Iran Are Really Aimed At The US

The Chief of Staff for Israel’s military, Aviv Kochavi, broke headlines with his threats to attack Iran, in order to prevent what he calls Iran’s “advance to a [nuclear] bomb”. With many fearing Israel may launch strikes against Iranian military/nuclear facilities, it is more likely that the threats were made for Biden’s ears. Israel’s Lt. Read More...

The Israel-UAE Project Which Will Damage Egypt And Force Saudi Normalization

The revival of the ‘new Hejaz railway’ project, between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, has been largely ignored by the Western media, despite having a significant impact on the direction of US President, Joe Biden’s, Middle East foreign policy. Proposed in 2018 Israel’s then Minister of Transportation, Israel Katz, had first brought up the Read More...

US Foreign Policy Under Joe Biden Does Not Look Promising

All indicators from the Biden Administration, point to a continuation of an aggressive pro-war foreign policy, especially in the Middle East. The initial positions on issues of Foreign Policy set forward by newly appointed Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, seem to point towards a continuation of the wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. In the Read More...