foreign policy

Palestinian Factions Revolt Against PA Which “Cancels” Security Coordination With Israel

Palestinian Authority (PA) President, Mahmoud Abbas, announced the cancellation of the Oslo Accords and the end of security coordination between the PA and Israel again this week, following the assassination of three Palestinians in Nablus. This is not enough to blind the Palestinian people to the true nature of PA rule. On February 9, a Read More...

Israel Bombs Syria, Syria Defends Itself, Israel Bombs Again “Self Defense”

In the early hours of Wednesday morning Israeli fighter jets reportedly launched missiles from the occupied Golan Heights towards Damascus, Syria. But what followed revealed the extent to which false Israel propaganda about “self defense” is perpetuated across Western media. Following an unprovoked initial attack on Damascus, reports began to emerge around 1:10 AM (local Read More...

The Only Way The UAE Will Protect Itself Is Through Iran, Not US-Israeli Weapons

Following three separate drone and missile attacks on the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Abu Dhabi moves to secure more weapons from the West. But despite the cutting edge technology, the war in Yemen will continue to spill over into their backyard unless they engage with Iran on the issue. Three attacks on the United Arab Read More...

The New Ridiculous Palestine-Israel Confederation “Peace Plan” Proposal

Israeli and Palestinian former diplomats have banded together in order to start a new 2-State solution dialogue, based upon a confederation model. The plan will be presented to the United Nations & US government and looks more like a re-hashing of Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century”, in that it is delusional and out of Read More...

Israel Carries Out Extrajudicial Assassination Of 3 Palestinians

Israeli occupation forces carried out an assassination attack, killing three young Palestinians in Nablus, West Bank, spraying a civilian car full of bullets in broad daylight. Some are saying this will provoke war, but what was really behind the extrajudicial killings this Tuesday? Palestinians gathered in their hundreds around the car in which Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi, Read More...

Biden’s “Diplomacy Is Back” Falls Flat as 2021 Middle East Policy a Miserable Flop

By no means has voting blue meant a change for the better; in fact, the only real difference between Biden and Trump in terms of foreign policy is that instead of mean tweets, more respectful language is used to give the new president the veneer of respectability.
The post Biden’s “Diplomacy Is Back” Falls Flat as 2021 Middle East Policy a Miserable Flop appeared first on MintPress News.

Talking Afghan Debacles on Parallax Views Podcast MP3

Back on the Parallax Views podcast to talk foreign policy and D.C. depravity with J.G. Michael. Here is his summary of our hour-long conversation: The Afghanistan Blunder Boogie and D.C. Arrogance w/ Jim Bovard September 1, 2021 On this edition of Parallax Views, U.S. military forces have left Afghanistan after 20 years. But the D.C. […]
The post Talking Afghan Debacles on Parallax Views Podcast MP3 appeared first on James Bovard.

Afghanistan: Deadly Costs of a War for Profit Won by the Taliban

As the United States and NATO‘s war in Afghanistan struggles to end, most observers and commentators, at least in the West, are still either delusional enough or more likely paid enough, not to publicly recognize a basic evidence: the Taliban are in the process of winning the 20-year war, which is the United States’ longest […]