foreign policy

Israel’s Largest Single Ethnic Cleansing Act Since 1967 — Masafer Yatta

Last month Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that Masafer Yatta, a collection of Palestinian villages in the southern hills of Al-Khalil, would be completely ethnically cleansed. The demolitions have already begun, despite some protest from US lawmakers, constituting the single largest ethnic cleansing event since 1967. Western media seems to be all but silent on one Read More...

Lebanon Warns Israel Over Violating Its Territorial Waters & Disputed Territories

The Lebanese leadership has warned Israel of violations of their nation’s territory, with Israel’s activity in the maritime zone being labelled “provocative and hostile” by Michel Aoun, Lebanon’s President. Will the dispute over maritime and land borders between Tel Aviv and Beirut lead to an escalation? A potentially explosive dispute has emerged between Israel and Read More...

Israeli Occupation Forces Kill 5 Palestinians As Tensions Boil — Including A US Citizen

Israeli occupation forces killed five Palestinians, inside the West Bank, in less than two days last week. The killings on Wednesday and Thursday came as tensions continue to boil in the occupied territories. Israel has also imposed restrictions on foreigners seeking to enter the West Bank, in a move that has spurred outrage. Last Wednesday, Read More...

Lebanon’s Elections And The Ever-Shifting Narrative Of Western Propaganda

In the buildup to the Lebanese elections, which took place on May 15, Western media predicted a landslide victory for Hezbollah and its allies, painting an eerie picture of what could be afoot for Lebanon. However, now that the results have painted a different picture, a new narrative has emerged for the time being, one Read More...

Israeli Settler Invade Al-Aqsa With A Huge Response Expected

This Sunday, approximately 70,000 ultra-nationalist Israeli settlers attended their annual racist “flag march” during which Palestinians, their properties, and Holy sites came under attack in Jerusalem’s old city. In an unexpected twist, however, no violent reaction came as was threatened. So what can we now expect? An unprecedented attack against Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim identity Read More...

Israel Admits Assassinating IRGC Member, Risks “Regional Explosion”

According to a report released by the New York Times, unnamed Israeli officials have admitted Tel Aviv’s role in the assassination of an Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) member. With Iran vowing revenge, how may this add to the threat of war this Sunday when Israeli settlers attempt to desecrate Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem? Read More...

IRGC Member Assassinated In Tehran, Iran Vows Revenge

This Sunday two gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on the car of a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), assassinating him in broad daylight. Iran has described the act as a terrorist incident and President Ebrahim Raisi has vowed a response to the attack, which is believed to have been carried out by Read More...

NATO’s Racist Refugee Double-Standard

Some 6.2 million Ukrainian refugees have fled to neighboring countries due to the ongoing war, many of which have been aided by NATO member states. However, the way in which Ukraine’s refugees have been aided reflects strikingly racist double-standards. In light of recent developments in the NATO-Russia conflict in Ukraine, Biden just signed a 40 Read More...

Israel Intensifies Its Occupation Of The Palestinian West Bank

Israel is tightening its grip on the West Bank, with new rules introduced to micromanage Palestinian society, whilst Israel’s supreme court rules to ethnically cleanse 1,000 people from their homes. According to a new 97 page ordinance, called the ‘Procedure for Entry and Residence for Foreigners in Judea and Samaria Area’, foreign nationals will now Read More...