foreign policy

Future South Korean President Is Trying to Warn the U.S., but Will We Listen?

(ANTIMEDIA) South Korea — More drills are being conducted off the Korean Peninsula in a continuing show of force by the U.S., Japan, and the currently leaderless South Korea. These drills are aimed at getting Kim Jong-un to back off from his nuclear ambitions, the mainstream narrative goes, but South Korea’s likely next president just had some surprising warnings for the United States.

US Dropping Bombs Quicker Than They Can Be Replaced

(ANTIWARMassive air wars in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan are just the beginning of the story for the United States military, with regular strikes in places like Somalia and Yemen, and constant risks of the US launching a massive war on North Korea at any moment. That’s a lot of bombs being dropped, and mostly in open-ended conflicts.

War Crimes & Genocide: What You Aren’t Being Told About US Involvement In Yemen

(ANTIMEDIA) — If the public were to rely solely on the U.S. government and its respective mouthpieces for its source of news, one might assume Iran is to blame for the current crisis engulfing Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest country.
From Reuters:
“At least 10,000 people have been killed and more than 3 million displaced in the war in Yemen, now in its third year. Millions of people are also struggling to feed themselves.

Military Establishment Sees Budgets Blossom Despite Failure To Quash Terrorism

(MPNWhile the U.S. has long justified its presence in Syria with the need to fight off Daesh (ISIS) and other militant extremist groups, some neo-conservatives – notably Tom Friedman of the New York Times – have called on Trump to “back off fighting” Daesh in Syria in order to ramp up “pressure on Assad, Iran, Russia and Hezbollah.”