foreign policy

5 Stories Everyone Is Ignoring While the Media Implodes over Trump Firing Comey

(ANTIMEDIA) A power hungry president has kicked a power player out of office, and the mainstream media is having a field day. Headlines have obsessively focused on Trump’s termination of FBI Director James Comey and the implications that come with it, drawing comparisons to Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal and questioning Trump’s decision to fire the man who was leading an investigation into the president’s own alleged misconduct.

Mainstream Media Freaks out over New Anonymous Video Predicting WWIII

(ANTIMEDIA) The hacktivist group known as Anonymous is almost impossible to nail to the wall. The computer whizzes have undergone a huge transformation since their humble beginnings, and today the beast that once brought major corporate and government websites to their knees seems to be content growling in the shadows.

Pentagon Wants US Troops in Afghanistan Closer to Front Lines

(ANTIWAR.COMIn among the Pentagon plans of sending 3,000 to 5,000 more US ground troops into Afghanistan, they are also looking at getting future unilateral control over US troop levels in the country. Even that isn’t the end of it, as reports yesterday have them redefining the US “advisory” mission to put the troops closer to the front lines.

What If Everything We’re Being Told About U.S.-North Korea Tensions Is Wrong?

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) Ask and you shall receive. For weeks upon weeks on end, the American populace has watched Donald Trump and his administration, along with pundits in the corporate media, drone on about how China should step up its game in the effort to thwart North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. From the Washington Post on Tuesday:

White House Approves Directly Supplying Weapons to Kurdish YPG in Syria

The move is likely to infuriate U.S. ally Turkey, which considers the YPG a terrorist group.
(MEE) U.S. President Donald Trump has approved the supplying of weapons to Kurdish YPG forces battling the Islamic State group in Syria, a US official said Tuesday.
The funding “to provide support to the YPG has been approved,” the official said on condition of anonymity.