foreign policy

Israel-Russia Feud Continues: Tel Aviv Cautiously Backs The West

When the Russian invasion of Ukraine first began, Israel did its best to stay out of the mix (on the surface) to please both Moscow and Washington. This no longer seems to be possible, although Israel continues to attempt to play both sides, as a number of incidents have led to a serious feud, one Read More...

Israel To Replace Russia Gas For The EU — But At What Cost?

As the war in Ukraine rages on, the European Union has been seeking alternative sources of natural gas and had chosen Tel Aviv as one of the providers to replace Russia. Yet, by signing a deal with both Israel and Egypt to make this possible, the EU could have encouraged a new Israel-Lebanon war. Amidst Read More...

Israel Now Using AI Technology To Kill Palestinians

Israel has a long track record of testing weapons technology on Palestinians it rules over in the occupied territories, however, the Israeli military’s latest move has gone on pretty much unnoticed. Israeli AI-powered rifles and crowd control technology is now in action, with potentially lethal consequences. Tensions inside the Israeli occupied West Bank are continuing Read More...

Israeli Forces Kills 4 In Jenin, Mutilate A Palestinian Dead Body In Hebrew

On Wednesday morning, Israeli occupation forces raided Jenin refugee camp, in the northern West Bank, killing 4 and injuring 44 others. In shocking fashion, the Israeli forces used an anti-tank missile to attack a home and were caught up in gunfights with Palestinian armed militias. Israel’s military raided Jenin refugee camp again, this Wednesday, with Read More...

30 Dead In Iraq After Moqtada al-Sadr’s Militia Opens Fire On Security Forces

The Iraqi Capital, Baghdad, was once again turned into a war zone this Monday night, after militia groups aligned with popular Shia cleric, Moqtada al-Sadr, opened fire on Iraqi security forces and attacked rival group offices. This Monday, supporters of Moqtada al-Sadr, took over the Baghdad ‘green zone’ area, occupying government buildings and chanting in Read More...

Iraq Heads Towards Chaos As Sadr Supporters Revolt

Popular Shia cleric, Moqtada al-Sadr, declared on Monday that he had withdrawn from political life completely, closing down most of his party’s offices. Soon after Sadr supporters stormed Iraqi government buildings and fears have grown of a large-scale violent conflict erupting. The Joint Operations Command of the Iraqi security forces announced a 15:30 curfew in Read More...

False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda – Watch Along and Q&A Part 1

Joining me today is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, for a very special three part watch-along culminating with the live (pirate streamed) world premiere of The Corbett Report’s third part in the series titled: False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda. We will be pirate-streaming the first two parts of this series, Read More...

Israel Is Attempting To Put Down Palestinian Resistance With Brutal Force, But Fails

Israel’s three day attack on the Gaza Strip, earlier this month, coupled with their ongoing crackdowns in the West Bank are aimed at beating down the spirit of young Palestinians who are starting a new uprising in the occupied territories. Despite Tel Aviv’s brutality, however, this strategy is destined to dramatically fail and the fallout Read More...

How France’s Energy Deal With The UAE Helps Fuel War In Yemen

Last week France announced that it had signed a strategic agreement with the United Arab Emirates to cooperate in the energy sector. Whilst this could well aid the European country during winter, with energy shortages in Europe leading to higher prices, blackouts, and potential loss of heat, Yemen may end up becoming the newest victim Read More...

Russia Condemns Israeli Strikes On Syria

Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, condemned the latest Israeli airstrikes against Syrian territory and affirmed Moscow’s commitment to respecting the integrity of Syria’s sovereignty. In the Israeli media, this is being interpreted as the latest part of the ongoing feud between Tel Aviv and Moscow. “We strongly condemned the dangerous practice of Israeli strikes on Read More...