foreign policy

Germany Just Issued a ‘Dramatic’ Warning Over Saudi-Qatar Conflict

(ZHEGermany’s foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel warned that the ongoing isolation of Qatar by Saudi Arabia and its allies could lead to a war in the Gulf region, according to an interview he gave to Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, although he added that he still saw a chance to defuse the tension.

Russian General Says US Colludes with ISIS Against Assad in Syria

(ANTIMEDIA) A Russian general who commands forces in Syria has accused the United States of colluding with the Islamic State (ISIS). Col. Gen. Sergei Surovikin “accused the U.S.-led coalition in Syria of providing safe corridors for the Islamic State group to leave the area around its stronghold of Raqqa,” U.S. News reported Friday.

Why Theresa May FAILED in snap election

Some people are born to govern, others born to fail and others like Theresa May are born to bully their way into confusing people enough to think that they have some divine right to rule in spite of having, no expertise, no experience in world affairs, no charisma, no originality and no real policies. Such people usually ended up failing in the long term. This is what happened to Theresa May.
Beyond having no real policies of her own, Theresa May held tightly to the status quo as if it was an inner-tube floating next to the Titanic.