foreign policy

Pentagon “Clueless” on Trump’s Surprise Warning to Syria Over Chemical Attack

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Last night, White House issued a surprise statement accusing the Syrian government of preparing a chemical weapons attack and threatening to make them pay “a heavy price” for doing so. This immediately suggested another US attack on Syria was imminent. No one saw this coming, including the Pentagon and the State Department.

US Threatens War With Syria Over Chemical Attack That Hasn’t Even Happened Yet

(ANTIMEDIA) — Barely a day ago, one of the top Google searches regarding Syria was Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent bombshell that the Trump administration did not have any intelligence linking Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to an alleged chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun in April of this year — but that he went ahead and bombed Assad’s airfield, anyway.

Seymour Hersh Interview: Trump Lied to Justify Firing Tomahawks at Syria

(ANTIMEDIA) — Renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reports that President Trump launched tomahawk missiles at the Syrian military in April after ignoring warnings from U.S. intelligence that there was no evidence Assad’s government was to blame for the chemical attack on his own citizens two days prior.
You can watch Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s interview with The Real News here:

Powerful US Senator Vows to Block All Arms Sales to Gulf States Over Qatar Dispute

Bob Corker, head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said disputes between Gulf states ‘hurt efforts’ against IS and Iran.

(MEE) — The Republican head of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has said he will block arms sales to the Gulf states until the on-going diplomatic crisis with Qatar is resolved.