foreign policy

CIA Proposes Regime Change in North Korea, NK Threatens Nuclear Retaliation

(ANTIMEDIA) North Korea — Less than a week after C.I.A. chief Mike Pompeo suggested that regime change in North Korea would be a good thing for the Trump administration, the East Asian country said Tuesday it was ready and willing to strike the U.S. with a “nuclear hammer” if that proves to be the Trump team’s agenda.

Grand ol’ cuck McCain attacks Trump three times in 15 minute speech

US Senator John McCain made a dramatic return to the US Senate on Tuesday, following a diagnosis of brain cancer and having a blood clot removed from above his left eye.
McCain made the trip back to Washington from where he was receiving treatment at the elite Mayo Clinic, in order to cast a crucial vote to move forward debate on Donald Trump’s healthcare bill. The bill’s been stalled in the senate due to opposition from several Republicans and the entire Democratic caucus.