foreign policy

Haley Warns World: Mattis Will “Take Care” of North Korea If UN Diplomacy Fails

(ZHE) — During an appearance CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday morning, US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley admitted something that most of the international community – perhaps including Kim Jong Un himself – has known for weeks: The United Nations Security Council has just about reached the limit of its ability to economically punish North Korea.

CIA Wants Authority to Conduct Drone Strikes in Afghanistan

The Pentagon fears US troops would face backlash from CIA drone attacks.

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The expansion of US military operations around the drone has coincided with the Pentagon having an increasingly large drone arsenal to carry out unmanned airstrikes around the world. That’s given them an opportunity to massively increase spending on drone warfare.

Another 6,000 US Ground Troops Set for Deployment to Afghanistan

Officials say 6,000 more US troops are likely set for deployment to Afghanistan in early 2018.

(ANTIWAR.COM) —  Adding on to the 3,500 troop escalation already announced for the Afghan War, officials are now reporting that another 6,000-plus ground troops from Fort Carson are also slated for a future deployment to the country.